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这是个大忽悠There was a big goof up.

我们应该去,就像个傻瓜一样。We should go, just as a goof.

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不怎么好看,穿帮镜头多。Not very nice , goof lens and more.

但事实上这是否是个弥天大错?But was it, in fact, a hideous goof?

别出岔子。这个计划太重要了。Don't goof up. This plan is very important.

别出岔子。这个计划太重要了。Don’t goof up. This project is too important.

别出岔子。这个商量太重要了。Don't goof up. This project is too importance.

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你会变成一个傻瓜的眼中,其他人的需要。You become a goof in the eyes of other people.

周末是许多人偷闲的时间。Weekends are the time for many people to goof off.

我很失望,决定混一天算一天。I was so disappointed that I decided to goof around.

不能浪费时间胡闹,或者在课堂上偷懒,那是不可以的。No time to goof around—unh uh—or slack off in class.

正如所料,我不太好,我开始瞎闹和偷懒。As expected I was not so good and I began to fool around and goof off.

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办公室里的某些员工总会趁老闆不在时摸鱼。Some of the workers in our office always goof off when the boss is out.

因为我老是在干这种事情,扮得像个傻瓜一样。Every time they make me do this kind of stuff I have to act like a goof.

一些学生曾经用电脑访问未授权网站来打发时间。Some students were using their computers to goof off or visit unauthorized websites.

它需要得到乐趣和显示她说,你不害怕,而且您可以一封正常左右。It needs to be fun and show her that you are not afraid and that you can goof around.

如果有人想偷懒,就让他到可以偷懒的区域,那当然是另外一个地方。If someone wants to goof off, they go to the goof-off area, which should be a different place.

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人们把事情弄得一团糟,随之而来便是失败——人们制作的网站,允许其有自己的缺陷。People goof up and fail — a website that admits to its shortcomings is one that's built by people.

我们觉得这更有趣--更满足--当我们需要工作时却休息。We find it more fun--and more satisfying--to goof off when we're supposed to be working or running errands.

大多数人就是因为工作时摸鱼摸太凶,使得经营成果不如预期。Most people simply goof off too much at work, and that is the reason why their results are below expectations.