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该表未注明日期。That form is undated.

日期不明的班杰明.寇克斯在校照片。An undated copy of a school photograph of Benjamin Cox.

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在这里,在一个未注明日期的照片,他跳里约热内卢附近。Here, in an undated photo, he jumps near Rio de Janeiro.

这张未标日期的图片上的钻纹龟有两个头。The diamondback terrapin in this undated photo has two heads.

这张日期不明的照片中,庄王琇枝怀里抱著一个婴儿。Chuang-Wang Hsiu-chih hold a young child in this undated photo.

这张未标日期的照片显示的是一位女性背著手提包。A woman carries a handbag on her shoulder in this undated photo.

无日期的浙江币一定也是在那时铸造的。The undated Cheh-Kiang coins must have been made up at that time.

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这张没有标注日期的图片显示了一张新朝鲜货币50圆的正面。This undated picture shows the front of a new North Korean 50 won note.

这是一张波音公司提供的未标明日期的波音737-400型飞机的照片。This is an undated photo provided by Boeing of the Boeing 737-400 aircraft.

这张未注明日期的照片中,美国辛辛那提市一位少女读著手机里的简讯。A teenager from Cincinnati, US, reads a text message in this undated picture.

带电子阿米尔是在这一日期的照片在阿富汗巴米扬省。Band-e-Amir is seen in this undated photo in Bamiyan province of Afghanistan.

卡扎菲与一帮政府官员及护士嘉琳娜·洛特尼特斯卡合照,日期不详。Gaddafi stands with officials and nurse Galyna Kolotnytska in an undated photo.

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激光扫描仪被用于这张位表明日期的蒙娜丽莎照片。A laser scanner takes measurements of the Mona Lisa in this undated handout photo.

如果误收没有填写日期的支票,可使用日期戳盖上日期。If any undated cheques are mistakenly accepted, the date stamp can be used to insert it.

随着课文的改动,生词和练练习习等等自然也都有很大变化。Of course, vocabulary and exercises problems were undated along with the lessons as well.

这张未标日期的照片,是位云林县蜂农满脸笑容地拿著他蜂箱里的一个框框。A beekeeper holds a frame from one of his beehives in Yunlin County in this undated photo.

若引用的文件不标日期,则本标准应采用该引用标准文件的最新版本。For undated references, the lastest edition of the normative document referred to applies.

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这张位标日期的照片中,是一对结婚将近八十年的人瑞夫妻彼此搂著亲吻。A centenarian couple, married for almost 80 years, hug and kiss in this undated photograph.

在上图中,云朵在东鳄鱼河平原上投上朵朵阴影。Above, clouds cast shadows over the East Alligator River floodplains in an undated picture.

这段音频张贴在一个伊斯兰网站上,还包括一幅没有注明日期的本拉登的照片。The audio recording, posted on a web site, includes an undated photograph of the al-Qaida leader.