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老格林真是个活宝。Old Green is areal card.

这些玩具的代价这么便宜,真划得来。These toys are areal bargain at such low prices.

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我的小学校长是一个真正的妖魔。The headmaster at my junior school was areal ogre.

第四章是对人地关系地域系统的研究。Chapter four is the studying on man-land relationship areal system.

第五章对吉林省人地关系地域系统进行了实证研究。Lastly, probes the type of man-land relationship areal system in the world.

例如,我们应该营造一个真实的氛围来吸引学生的兴趣。For example, we should make areal atmosphere to attract the students' interests.

工作区属于干旱高山区,适宜开展区域地球化学测量工作。The work area belong to dry mountain, suitable develop areal geochemical survey.

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我儿子在水师徭役了三年。他回家的那天对我来说真是个大喜的日子。It was areal red letter day for me when my son came home from there years in the navy.

有的人开始责备他,质疑刘翔是否能够真正成为一位明星。Some people started to blame him and questioned if Liu Xiang can really be areal star.

区域地质调查统计资料表明,冰达坂韧性剪切带与该区金矿成矿关系密切。Areal geology survey shows, Bingdaban Ductile Shear Zone contributes to gold ore-forming.

该系统安全方案已应用于地区电网自动化系统,效果良好。The proposed scheme is applied in areal power network automation system with good effect.

当做完一件工作而其结果又正合我的预想时,我会有一种真正的成就感。I feel areal sense of accomplishment when Ifinish ajob and it turns out just as I'd planned.

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当做完一件工作而其成果又正合我的预想时,我会有一种真正的成就感。I feel areal sense of accomplishment when I finish a job and it turns out just as I'dplanned.

他今天有他自己的打算,对我们酷好的足球没有任何帮忙。I find that deeply disrespectful. He has shown areal lack of class today, to me and the fans.

不同经济发展阶段主要以年代、所得水平与地区发展程度来区分。Stages of economic development were stratified by years, income level and areal development level.

在测定一种面积组合的压制性能时,我们必须明确波的传播方向。In determining the attenuation for an areal array we must specify the direction of the wave travel.

本文应用克里格法对点雨量和面雨量进行了最优估计。In this paper, the Kriging method is used for optimal estimation of the point and areal precipitation.

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同时论文还将广东裸子植物种的分布区类型划分为20个亚型。Meanwhile the species areal -types of guangdong gymnospermae were divided into20subtypes in this paper.

突然间,你感觉到在和一个真人说话而不仅仅是“远方那个老问我问题的家伙”。Suddenly, you're talking to areal human being and not justthat-remote-guy-who-keeps-asking-me-questions.

提出一种新的面炮记录相位编码叠前深度偏移方法。A new method for the prestack depth migration of the areal shot records with phase encoding is presented.