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它会碎或是会洒吗?Can it break or spill?

我们必须抑制原油外漏。We must contain the oil spill.

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不要把水洒到你的衣服上。Don't spill water on your suit.

想象一下卡特琳娜加上浮油。Imagine Katrina plus oil spill.

当我把菜汤洒到自己的衣服上时。When I spill soup on my clothes.

夹着融化的冰和冒着烟的雪A spill of molten ice, smoking snow

重庆煤焦油泄漏污染河流。Coal tar spill pollutes Chongqin river.

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牙一咬能溅出一股水儿来!Tooth bite can spill a stream of water!

水开始渗入帕德梅的面罩中。Water starts to spill into Padmé's mask.

别让汤泼在你的衣服上。Don't let the soup spill on your clothes.

我需要一些纸把溅洒出来的咖啡溃擦干。I need some paper to dry the coffee spill.

如果你不慎说漏了嘴,我们都会有麻烦的。If you spill the beans, we'll be in trouble.

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对吧,还有可能蔓延至巴基斯坦。Right? Then it could spill then to Pakistan.

你说漏嘴时,也就意味着你在泄密。When you spill the beans, you tell a secret.

他想骑那匹马,让马给重重摔了下来。He had a bad spill trying to ride that horse.

月光在雨里疯狂地飞溅流溢。Moonbeams splash and spill wildly in the rain.

水太满了,可能会溢出来。The water is so full that it might spill over.

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我要依照指示,绝不浪费,饮下成功的种子。I will drink as instructed and spill not a drop.

据统计,在泄露海域有超过500只海龟死亡。More than 500 sea turtles died in the spill area.

尽管有暴力集团的威胁,一些人还是会把消息泄露出来。Some would spill in spite of the gang 's threats.