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克林顿将在1996年成为总统。Clinton in 96.

希拉里于本周五满60周岁。Hillary Clinton turns 60 on Friday.

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奥巴马和希拉里·克林顿都出席了,麦凯恩没去。Obama and Hillary Clinton showed up.

克林顿夫人和奥巴玛先生再次表示了反对。Mrs. Clinton and Mr. Obama oppose it.

他向克林顿先生抱怨这件事。He grumbled about this to Mr. Clinton.

克林顿先生没有再说下去,转身走开了。Mr Clinton said no more, and walked off.

克林顿绳线是一个公开活动。The Clinton rope line was a public event.

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多年来,比尔·克林顿遵循着同样的道路。For years Bill Clinton trod the same path.

比尔·克林顿很可能脱过一只麋鹿。Bill Clinton could probably undress a moose.

柯林顿巡迴签书会于纽约开跑。Clinton kicks off book tour with NY signing.

希拉里·克林顿说,她确实是小熊队的球迷。Clinton said she is indeed a fan of the Cubs.

你还是在克林顿任总统期间洗的澡吧?Have you taken a bath since Clinton was Prez?

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时任美国总统比尔·克林顿。I think of Bill Clinton when he was President.

克林顿夫人走上一条歧路---也是应该如此。Mrs Clinton is in a bad way—and deservedly so.

随后克林顿搭机前往其在纽约查巴克的家。Mr. Clinton flew to his home in Chappaqua, N. Y.

据说克林顿总统就有很强的SHAKTI。President Clinton was said to have great shakti.

克林顿国务卿谈到我遇到蒙娜之前的日子。Secretary Clinton talks about the pre-Mona days.

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上帝又问比尔·克林顿,他最崇敬的是什么。God then asked Bill Clinton what he revered most.

克林顿总统,随时欢迎您大驾光临!President Clinton you are welcome aboard anytime!

“克林顿当时笑着承认”通常穿三角裤“。" Clinton laughed, and conceded, "Usually briefs.