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这居然成了他们的理由。That's the rationale.

这章是本研究的理论基础。It is the rationale of this study.

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那便是下围棋可“得天寿”的理论根据。That is the rationale of “longevity”.

对话式阅读教学的理论基础。Tw Dialogue type reading teaching rationale.

一条构架描述提供理由。An architectural description provides rationale.

太空竞赛至少有军事上的需要。At least the space race had a military rationale.

难道有“向未投保者征税是有益的”的论据吗?Is there a good rationale for taxing the uninsured?

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仲裁员法律责任制度具有深厚的理论基础。The arbitrator legal liability system has deep rationale.

在Roo框架中使用AOP背后的理由是什么?What was the rationale behind using AOP in Roo framework?

第二章,介绍了自适应系统的理论基础。Second chapter, introduced the self-adaptive system rationale.

希腊译本是按时间顺序排序的。The Septuagint's rationale for ordering the books is temporal.

印度经济特区政策背后的基本原则是很直接的。The rationale behind India's SEZ policy is quite straightforward.

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O'Meara说微软为零售商嵌入Gurus的基本理由是明显的。Microsoft's rationale for embedding Gurus with retailers is telling.

在SP侧压轧制理论的基础上,建立了SP调宽轧制的工作模型。Basing upon the rationale of SP , working model was build up at last.

这种目标的逻辑是“牺牲现在的你去成就美好的未来”。“Sacrifice yourself now to reap the benefits later” was the rationale.

正如科技股泡沫一样,看好中资银行的理由是该行业的增长。As with the tech bubble, the rationale behind the bullishness is growth.

难道这就是时报惩罚违反者或者增加税收的基本依据么?Is the Times’s rationale to punish transgressors or to increase revenues?

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协议管辖制度的历史演变和理论基础。Second, agreement jurisdiction system historical evolution and rationale.

当他有许多话急着说出来的时候,他是不会理你的。When he was anxious to have much to say, he is not the rationale for you.

“他们两个都是有分寸的”,禅师说。“他们都是懂道理的。”"They were both subdued, " Jackson said. "They understood the rationale. "