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鲸鱼是鱼,对还是错?A whale is a fish.

圈养鲸鱼亚卡。Yaka, captive whale.

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老鲸微笑道。The old whale laughed.

鲸鱼是哺乳动物。The whale is a mammal.

wh-我的白鲸在哪里?wh-Where is my white whale?

鲸是一种哺乳动物。A whale is a kind of mammal.

那头蓝鲸体形硕大。The blue whale is ginormous.

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这是一只逆戟鲸,虎鲸的一种。It's an Orca, a killer whale.

巨头鲸靠吃鱿鱼为生。The sperm whale feeds on squid.

他们玩得很尽兴。They had a whale of a good time.

金鱼是海洋中的巨物。The whale is the giant of the sea.

和抹香鲸和逆戟鲸的结果一样。Same result as Sperm Whale vs Orca.

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这是关于失能白鲸的故事。This is the story of the Fail Whale.

食物减少导致鲸类迁徙?Drop in Food Driving Whale Migration?

退潮把鲸鱼搁浅在海滩上。The receding tide stranded the whale.

鲸鱼开始鼻子抽噎和咳嗽。The whale began to sniffle and cough.

420头鲸鲨,惊现墨西哥海岸Whale Sharks Swarm Mexican Coastline.

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还有一个时髦的看上去像头巨大的鲸鱼。A modern one looked like a huge whale.

在另一个池塘里,有一头小鲸鱼。In another pool there is a baby whale.

Zynga准备到中国猎鲸。Zynga is going whale hunting in China.