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不过,我确实在非军事区发现疑似谷山炮的装备I did find what I suspect is a Koksan gun near the DMZ however

他说,“现在我和我妈的关系比韩朝关系还紧张。”Now, he wrote, "my relationship with my mother is more tense than the Korean DMZ."

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非军事区西端的一小段显示,HARTS有多处火力交叉区。A small section at the Western end of the DMZ shows the mass of overlapping fire zones of the HARTS

上个星期,南韩威胁说,作为报复措施,将在非军事区恢复用高音喇叭进行宣传广播。In one retaliatory measure last week, South Korea threatened to resume propaganda broadcasts from loudspeakers at the DMZ.

内部主机接到公司的内部网,而外部主机置于防火墙前面的非军事化区。The internal host connects to the company internal network and the external host sits in the DMZ in front of the firewall.

朝鲜也许会吸收这句中国格言并加以“阐发”,从上游的非军事区开坝放水,引发大规模的洪水。The North Koreans could take the Chinese axiom a step further and release massive amounts of water from dams upstream from the DMZ.

本片同时用高清相机捕捉了DMZ对面的美丽的自然景色,以象征对朝鲜半岛团圆的期冀。This program captures the beautiful wild life across DMZ on a high-definition camera, with a wish for peaceful reunification of the Korean Peninsula.

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基本的安装运行至少需要两张网卡,如果您想建一个隔离区,或组成一个无线网络,则需要三张以上的网卡。You'll want to have at least two network cards installed for basic use, and three or more if you want to have a DMZ or incorporate a wireless network.

对于洛克希德·马丁,F-XIII项目将会对麻烦重重但又潜力十足的F-35项目产生巨大的同时又是亟需的推动作用。For Lockheed Martin, F-X III would provided a badly needed boost to the troubled, but still promising, F-35 programme. The blue skies of the DMZ await.

人们预期这种情况发生的可能性很小,南韩人在首尔和非军事区之间修建并销售了昂贵的房子,但这并不意味这种策划是不必要的。Few really expect that to happen — the South Koreans build and sell expensive condos between Seoul and the DMZ — but that doesn’t mean the planning is unjustified.

这个朝鲜非军事区约150英里长,2.5英里宽,成为了一群群鹤,以及不然便灭绝了的动物种类的一个野生动物保留地。The Korean DMZ is about 150 miles long and 2.5 miles wide, and it's become a wildlife preserve for flocks of cranes and species that might otherwise have become extinct.

北朝鲜随后提出了不同的划界的方法——其中的一个设想是把非军事区西南部的出口大致地延伸进黄海,而不再紧靠在北朝鲜的海岸线上。North Korea has subsequently proposed a different line -- one that would roughly extend the DMZ southwest out into the Yellow Sea, rather than hug the North Korean shoreline.