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放松疗法。Relaxation therapy.

我打高尔夫球散散心。I play golf for relaxation.

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他乱涂乱画作为消遣。He daubed away for relaxation.

试试渐进式肌肉放松法Try Progressive Muscle Relaxation

停止张力纱弛缓张力。Stop tension yarn relaxation tension.

放松似乎是个很妥当的词。Relaxation seems to be the operative word.

享受甩掉压力的放松吧!Enjoy the relaxation of burning off stress!

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为了放松,他打高尔夫,游泳,散步。For relaxation he golfed, swam, and walked.

有些人通过练瑜伽来帮助放松。Some people take up yoga to aid relaxation.

做简单的隔离和放松训练。Do a simple isolation and relaxation exercise.

为你自己找一种有效的放松技巧。Find a relaxation technique that works for you.

想到此,我感到丝丝的轻松。Thinking of this I feel a slight of relaxation.

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宁静的环境,工作休闲两相宜。Combine work and relaxation in complete serenity.

涐尝试过去改,试着去把心放宽。I attempt change, try to go the heart relaxation.

那就休吧,你不辞劳苦了好一阵子,现在你有那么一点点资本去稍微放松一下了。Go on, you've earned a little rest and relaxation.

在瑜伽放松术中,睡觉不被看成是放松。In yoga nidra, sleep is not regarded as relaxation.

放松运动可松缓身体的紧张。Relaxation exercises can free your body of tension.

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噢,得了吧,放松也非常重要啊。Oh, come on, girl, relaxation is also very important.

它能够给我们带来健康,使我们放松和愉快。It brings us health aswell as relaxation and pleasure.

加入放宽高度限制的条文。To incorporate a relaxation clause on BH restrictions.