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丹尼斯穿了一条劳动布牛仔裤。Dennis was dressed in denim jeans.

现在共有八块牛仔布了。You'll now have eight pieces of denim.

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那是一条从牛仔裤店偷来的牛仔裤。It was a pair of jeans from a denim shop.

在学校里,更合适的着装可能是斜纹粗棉布和灯芯绒长裤.。For school try denim and corduroy trousers.

懒散麂皮镶边的牛仔桶形状。Slouchy denim bucket shape with suede trim.

一个褪色的弹力牛仔布?A printed tee with faded stretch denim jean?

白色牛仔装是来自德克萨斯州的四个会员带。White Denim is a four member band from Texas.

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牛仔行业,洗水是一个至关重要的环节。Denim industry, wash water is a vital component.

这是牛仔服装行业的一个精品领域。This is a rarefied segment of the denim business.

用粗蓝布做的裤子或套服。Trousers or overalls made of sturdy denim fabric.

本文介绍了双面牛仔绒的起绒及印染全过程。The raising and dyeing of the denim are presented.

但在日本牛仔布,牛仔布有海原。But before Japanese denim, there was Kaihara denim.

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请问你会否在来季购买新的牛仔产品?。Will you buy any new denim items in the coming season?

花朵图案可以和格子混搭,貂皮也可以和牛仔布放在一起。Florals could be mixed with plaid and sable with denim.

新的天空蓝色靛蓝是肯定是牛仔布的一个喜爱。New sky-blue indigo is sure to be a favorite for denim.

你有跟中国的牛仔面料厂商合作过吗?Have you been cooperated with Chinese denim fabric mills?

更加粗厚的棉布料会把你裹得更紧而掩盖身体的瑕疵。A heavier denim will hold you in better and hide body flaws.

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深色牛仔布用干净完成和微妙的交叉纹理。Dark denim with a clean finish and subtle crosshatch texture.

你可以让你自己从旧牛仔短裤牛仔裙。You can make your own denim skirts from your old denim pants.

我想你一定会很爱它们新出的牛仔布料和丝绸面料的手提包。I think you'll adore the new handbags made from denim and silk.