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发展中国家担心这样的重新调整会正式化。Developing countries are uneasy about formalising such a realignment.

冷战之后一个重要的政治和经济的新的排列组合开始了。A major political and economic realignment started after the end of the Cold War.

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要重新构建这个发展政策是一项意义重大的政策挑战。Achieving this realignment in development policy is a significant political challenge.

修复工作包括了对画作小心翼翼地重新定线,那需要消耗大量时间。Restoration involved a slow and careful realignment of the painting, and that meant time.

全球工业格局正处于重新调整的初期。The global industrial landscape certainly appears to be in the early stages of a realignment.

这种革新将大规模地对农业研究的优先权进行重新整合。Such a revolution will require a wholesale realignment of priorities in agricultural research.

列举了一次特大型滑坡的综合整治实例。One comprehensive realignment example in reality is set up here, of a large landslip happened before.

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随着中国、巴西、南亚和非洲的崛起,世界地缘政治的重组似乎无可避免。Between China Brasil South Asia and Africa rising the realignment of the world's geo-politics appears inevitable.

为了线性加速器的常见的重新排列,设计和安装了线性加速器激光准直系统。For the frequent realignment of the linear accelerator, the linac laser alignment system was designed and installed.

这是一个朝向银河中心的、重新调整的频率转变——你们称之为扬升,以及光之新时代的来临。This is a realignment frequency shift to the galactic core – what you call ascension and coming of the new age of Light.

由于旅行者需求和总收入双双遭遇两位数的降幅,商务旅游领域正在经历一次重大的重整过程。Amid double-digit declines in traveler demand and revenue, the corporate travel landscape is undergoing a major realignment.

第四,东京和华盛顿都推动驻日美军重新部署,并扩大日本的角色。Fourth, Tokyo and Washington are proceeding with an ambitious realignment of U.S. forces and expansion of the Japanese role.

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建设环境噪声达标区是环境综合整治的重点任务,是严格控制城市环境噪声污染的重要措施。Building regions up to the standard of noise parameter"s permission is a major task in environment comprehensive realignment."

这时,足部外科医生立即从新将其对齐能够预防不正确的或者是不完整的愈合。In such cases, prompt realignment of the fracture by your podiatric physician will help prevent improper or incomplete healing.

因此,公明党的上田勇说,所有的情况都表明,下次选举后整个政治版图将会重组。Therefore, says Isamu Ueda of New Komeito, all the scenarios point to a wholesale political realignment after the next election.

帕内塔说,扩大与日本的安全同盟是奥巴马政府在亚洲重新调整的关键组成部分。Mr. Panetta said expanding the security alliance with Japan was a critical part of the Obama administration's realignment in Asia.

美国政治家原想人民币升值就可减少美国对中国的进口,然而结果却不尽其意。This mitigates the effect of currency realignment desired by American politicians, which is to reduce American imports from China.

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新经济团队将打造一个完整的战略,用以在当前经济环境中更好地实现币值调整。The new economic team will forge an integrated strategy on how best to achieve currency realignment in the current economic environment.

没有一个长期的数据能用来评价值前的重新排列程序对于髌骨股骨关节成形术结果的影响。No long-term data are available assessing the influence of anterior realignment procedures on the outcome of patellofemoral arthroplasty.

据称,整治后,我市城区门店招牌将实行一店一牌。It is said that, realignment post -, my municipality battlement ward store sign board in the thumb latch will practice one store one card.