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那完全是表现主义、狂妄自大和彻头彻尾的挑衅。The exhibitionism of it all. The arrogance.

你知道,大学生和他们的酒后暴露。You know college kids and their drunken exhibitionism.

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自我暴露既不新鲜也不特别引人注目。The exhibitionism is not new or particularly arresting.

有些人觉得写博客是一种裸露癖的表现。Some think that blogging is a manifestation of exhibitionism.

进行“任意”概括的一个心理上的因素是表现癖。A psychological reason for asserting "wild" generalizations is exhibitionism.

窥淫癖和露阴癖交织在这些刻意挑衅的场景。Voyeurism and exhibitionism intertwine in these purposefully provocative scenes.

但是她最近爱出风头的表现暗示着距离“成为乖乖女”她依然有一段很长的路要走。But her latest show of exhibitionism has implied she’s still got a long way to come.

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有些人觉得写博客是一种裸露癖的表现。你同意这个观点吗?Some think that blogging is a manifestation of exhibitionism . Do you agree with this opinion?

一个疯子的公寓大楼周围运行,显然是家里唯一的吸引力的空姐暴露狂的倾向。A lunatic runs around an apartment complex, apparently home only to attractive flight attendants with a tendency towards exhibitionism.

技术和表现癖的这新的年龄允许我们立即传送自己和我们的经验,给成千上万接收者并且给他们反应。This new age of technology and exhibitionism allows us to transmit ourselves, and our experiences, to millions of recipients in an instant and allows them to respond.

由于社交媒体暴露个人隐私、助长自我宣传癖等职业危害越来越令人苦恼和厌恶,一小部分坚决抵制技术时代的人效仿着莫什费格的做法。As distress and distaste swirl around issues of privacy, exhibitionism and other occupational hazards of social media, a select few holdouts of the tech-savvy age are following Ms.

不同于仍以使用个人电脑为主的旧交友网站,这些针对手机设计的新网路服务把日益盛行的表现癖文化带到更特异和更私密的地点。Unlike the older networking sites, which are still largely used on PCs, these new phone-oriented services are bringing the growing culture of exhibitionism to more exotic and more personal locations.