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这些记忆将会不断提醒自己是科大人。These memories will always recall the fact I am an HKUST alumna.

因此,能够被哈佛承认为校友,对我来说是一种特别的光荣。It is, therefore, for me a profound honor to be counted as an alumna.

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哥伦布市俄亥俄州立大学一个新完成学业的女校友庆祝它的毕业。In Columbus, a newly minted Ohio State University alumna celebrates her achievement.

教师与毕业校友的学历愈高,则愈重视「网际网路能力」。The higher education the teachers and alumna possess, they pay more attention to "Internet ability".

介绍了一种氧化铝生产流程中回收镓的新方法———三段碳酸化法。A new method, three stage carbonization process, to reclaim gallium from alumna production is introduced.

事情是这样的,我们到了爱尔兰以后学校的宿舍还没开放,我们得在外面住几天,所以叫师姐帮我们订一下房。So we have to live outside campus for several days. Therefore, we asked the alumna to help us book a room.

我测试了一个同事的来自美国科罗拉多大学的地址,申请立即被接受。When I tested a recent alumna coworker's address from the University of Colorado, it was accepted immediately.

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耶鲁法学院校友希拉里·克林顿更是被认为2008年总统大选民主党最热门的候选人。Bush. Yale Law alumna Hillary Clinton is considered a front runner for the 2008 Democratic Presidential nomination.

毕业校友与应届毕业生在「商业知识」、「技术管理」方面亦有显著的差异。For alumna and graduating students, there are significant differences in "business knowledge" and "technology management".

新加坡最卓越的天后歌手,南洋理工大学杰出校友孙燕姿将与大家分享她跻身亚洲天后行列的心路历程。Singapore's most prominent singing sensation and NTU alumna Stefanie Sun shares how she became one of Asia's brightest stars.

开放式课程计划是如此的努力,我以身为这样一所支持与鼓励这项计划的学校校友为傲。OpenCourseWare is such great endeavor, and I'm proud to be an alumna of an institute that supports and encourages education in this way.

这些品质将帮助你增加自己的学习阅历,并将影响到你毕业后创新的能力。These qualities will help you to shape your own experience as a student, and will influence your ability to make a difference as an alumna or alumnus.

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张校友左手折断,幸胎儿无恙,并于十二月四日在当地医院接受手术,现正休养。Alumna Cheung's left arm was badly injured, her unborn baby is fine. Alumna Cheung had gone through a surgery on 4 December, and is now under recovery.

教师在「资料处理能力」、「程式语言能力」、「网际网路能力」方面,都比应届毕业生与毕业校友认为资讯技能是需要的。The teachers think they need "data processing", program language" and "Internet ability", more than graduating students and alumna who demand for more information skills.

鲍贵思,一个传教士同时也是1912年的威校校友,后来成为冰心在燕京大学的导师和一生的朋友。Consider the portrait drawn by Grace Boynton, a missionary and Wellesley alumna from the class of 1912 who became Bing Xin's teacher at Yenching University, and lifelong friend.

全球前受奖人人道服务奖的目的是用来表扬一位杰出前基金会计划参与者并协助宣传基金会计划的社会益处。The award is intended to celebrate a Foundation alumnus or alumna whose extraordinary service activities and professional achievements exemplify the Rotary ideal of Service Above Self.

这个奖项是颁发给一位基金会杰出的男或女前受奖人,其特别服务活动和专业的成就足以作为超我服务的扶轮理想范例。The award is intended to celebrate a Foundation alumnus or alumna whose extraordinary service activities and professional achievements exemplify the Rotary ideal of Service Above Self.

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谈及我们8姐妹为何全部选择考研之路,主要在于我们都是二本学校的女毕业生,过早地走进社会没有竞争力。Refer we why do 8 sisters choose to study grinding way entirely, basically depend on the alumna that we are 2 schools, walk into a society prematurely to do not have competition ability.

事情是这样的,我们到了爱尔兰以后学校的宿舍还没开放,我们得在外面住几天,所以叫师姐帮我们订一下房。You know, after we arrive at Ireland, the dormitaries in UCD will still be not available.So we have to live outside campus for several days.Therefore, we asked the alumna to help us book a room.