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这样亚扪人就被以色列人制伏了。Thus Israel subdued Ammon.

凯撒在公元前五十年时征服高卢。Caesar subdued Gaul in 50 B. C.

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波特先生用一只枪制服了他。Mr. Porter subdued him with a gun.

在以色列,人们的情绪却低沉得多。In Israel, the mood is more subdued.

凯撒在公元前五十年时征服高卢。Julius Caesar subdued Gaul in 50 B. C.

他摇晃着头低沉地哼了一声。He shook his head with a subdued "h'm."

忽报人间曾伏虎。Earth suddenly reports the tiger subdued.

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他强压怒火走出房间。He backed out of the room with subdued anger.

征服了她之后,他结束了她的性命。Having thus subdued her, he extinguished her life.

最后,恶棍收伏这位男人并拿走了他的钱包。Finally, the thugs subdued him and took his wallet.

而对社会原因造成的“伯莎”悲剧不太容易扭转。The spirit of Bertha is not quite so easily subdued.

这样,摩押就被以色列人制伏了。So Moab was subdued that day under the hand of Israel.

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只要看看高盛今天业绩发布时那附低声下气的样子就知道了。Just read today's subdued Goldman Sachs earnings release.

这次攻击后来被警察所制服,没有人死亡。The attacker was later subdued by the police, and no one died.

两个孩子给这种阴沉恐怖的气氛吓住了,他们很少讲话。The boys were subdued by these solemnities, and talked little.

但对故国的忠贞美德,公与郑氏相比,实乃有过之而无不及。But his loyalty to the subdued dynasty was no less than Zheng's.

起码是一部分,既然你在让布莱克伍德屈服的行动中有些贡献。Some of them, at least. Since you partly subdued the Blackwoods.

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慢板于此处带著节制的开朗情绪中暂时告一段落。The Adagio section ends in a relatively subdued and bright mood.

这两男孩子被这样严肃的气氛控制住了,都不大说话。The two boys were subdued by these solemnities , and talked little.

这反映了面对欧元危机全球市场的投资心态受到抑制。That mirrored the subdued mood in global markets amid the euro crisis.