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谁有治疗化脓的秘方?Who has remedial purulent secret recipe?

尿道口有或稀或稠的脓性分泌物。Urethral opening with or thin or thick purulent.

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反复感染、咳大量脓痰是其特征。Copius purulent sputum production with cough is typical.

用于脓疱疮等化脓性皮肤病及烧伤、溃疡面的感染。For impetigo and other purulent skin and burns, ulcers infection.

用于脓疱疮等化脓性皮肤病及烧伤、溃疡面感染。For impetigo and other purulent skin disease and burning, infected ulcers.

右侧脓肿中央可见伴出血的脓性分泌物渗出。The purulent exudate with some hemorrhage is seen at the right in the abscess center.

霰粒肿如继发感染而形成急性化脓性炎症。When it is accompanied with secondary infection, it form acute purulent inflammation.

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症状通常是伤口疼痛和化脓性蜂窝组织炎排水。Presenting symptoms are usually wound site pain with cellulitis and purulent drainage.

继发感染后可见小溃疡,有恶臭的乳白色脓性分泌物。Afterwards sees small ulcer after hair infection, fetid is ivory purulent sex secretion.

左下胸膜表面可看见黄褐色脓性渗出物。The pleural surface at the lower left demonstrates areas of yellow-tan purulent exudate.

临床表现为腹泻、粘液脓血便、腹痛。Diarrhea, purulent stools and abdominal pain and so on are clinical manifestations of UC.

大量混合集中的结果显示,抗生素对于急性化脓性鼻炎是有效果的。Pooling the results showed that antibiotics for acute purulent rhinitis may be beneficial.

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脓鼻涕鼻渊舒组和对照组有统计学差异。Purulent nasal discharge had statistical difference between biyuanshu group and control group.

死海的水能有效运用的在医疗过敏、牛皮癣、湿疹和化脓疹。The water of the Dead Sea is effective in healing allergies, psoriasis, eczema and purulent rash.

当时躺在病床上的老兵早已泣不成声,一口脓痰差点把他给憋死过去。The lying veteran was choked with sobs and a mouthful of purulent sputum almost choked him to death.

田间试验证实,该双价菌苗能有效控制狐化脓性子宫内膜炎的发生。The field test showed that the bivalent vaccine could effectively control fox purulent uterine mucositis.

渗出引起咳脓性黄痰,如细菌性肺炎。This exudate gives rise to the productive cough of purulent yellow sputum seen with bacterial pneumonias.

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可见有流泪、眼结膜发红、眼分泌物由液状变成粘脓性。Shows that there are tears, conjunctival redness, ocular purulent discharge from the liquid into a sticky.

化脓性心包炎常由肺或纵隔的细菌感染播散引起。A purulent pericarditis is most often the result of spread of bacterial infection from lung or mediastinum.

脓尿即脓细胞尿,所谓脓细胞是指变性或死亡的白细胞。Pyuria namely purulent cell make water, alleged pus cell is the leucocyte that point to denaturation or dies.