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他咬人吗?Does he bite?

他会闷闷不乐吗?Does he mope?

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他会生气吗?Does he sulk?

他做的很好。He does well.

顿顿吃这?Does eat this?

公鸡啼叫。Cock does crow.

它能做很多。It does plenty.

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血缘是纽带。Blood does bond.

不过她还是照做了。But she does it.

他是做什么的?What does he do?

它是做什么的?What does it do?

为什么说它糟糕哪?Why does it suck?

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有谁知道是谁写的么?Does anybody know?

他如何思考问题?How does he think?

为什么会晒黑?Why does skin tan?

他平时笑不笑?Does he ever laugh?

它是咩咩叫还是哞哞叫?Does it baa or moo?

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IOCP是怎样工作的?How does IOCP work?

它能做算术。It does arithmetic.

山是不会变换位置的。It does not change.