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枪总是让我胆战心惊。Guns always gave me the willies.

光站在这里我就心惊肉跳的了。I get the willies just standing here.

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我讨厌虫子,他们使我很害怕。I hate bugs, they give me the willies.

我就是突然有点紧张。I just got a sudden case of the willies.

这阴暗潮湿的山洞使我感到心惊肉跳。The dark, dank cave gave me the willies.

见鬼,我站在这都毛骨悚然。Hell, I get the willies just standing here.

不要告诉她,这只会让她害怕。Don't tell her, it'll just give the willies.

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看恐怖电影让我毛骨悚然。Watching horror movies gives me the willies.

不要再说了,你让我毛骨悚然。Stop saying that, you're giving me the willies.

别告诉妈妈,这会让她担心的。Don't tell mom, it'll just give her the willies.

我一个人在那所阴暗的房子心里就发毛。Being alone in that gloomy house gave me the willies.

晚上在那条街上走我很害怕。Walking down that street at night gives me the willies.

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他看上去很正常,但是他有某种特点使我感到害怕。He looks quite normal but there's something about him that gives me the willies.

我并不害怕胆小的鳄鱼,但是饥饿的缅甸蟒蛇使我心惊肉跳。I’m not afraid of timid alligators, but hungry Burmese pythons give me the willies.

我目睹了这么多时间但每次我目睹这它给我心惊肉跳。I have witnessed this so many times yet each time I witness this it gives me the willies.

心往一处想,劲往一处使,动作协调终于在那心惊肉跳的一瞬间,拼尽全力取得了胜利。Heart want to toward one place, interest makes toward one place, coordination finally, at the moment of the willies desperate to win.