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它们每年繁殖两次。They breed twice yearly.

我们每年提薪一次。We get a yearly pay-increase.

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输出每年超过输入。Exports yearly exceed imports.

我并没有每年都做体检。I do not get yearly check-ups.

每年洁牙一次。Have your teeth whitened yearly.

我们去每年一度的拜访我舅舅。We paid a yearly visit to my uncle.

议决入会费、常年会费。Decide initiation fees and yearly dues.

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她这房子年租金是二千四百元。The yearly rental of her house is2400yuan.

我们按年度缴纳5英镑的订阅费。We paid a subscription of 5 pounds yearly.

每年进行工程会计审计。Enginering accounting audit is done yearly.

他一年的薪金达到五位数。His yearly salary reachs five-digit number.

她这房子年租金是2400元。The yearly rental of her house is 2400 yuan.

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年产量约计五十万吨。The yearly output approximates to 500,000 tons.

年产量约计六十万吨。The yearly output approximates to 600,000 tons.

至少,你应该每年进行一次自我调节。At a minimum, treat yourself to a yearly tune-up.

到车辆安全年审的时间了。It is time for the yearly check of vehicle safety.

磁器口每年一次的庙会也以此为主会场。Now it is the main site of the yearly temple fair.

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银行给他的年薪竟高达九万。The bank pays him a yearly salary of no less than.

煤炭年产量一年中减少到原来的四分之一。The yearly output of coal was quartered in a year.

勤洗手,每年来一针流感疫苗。Wash your hands often and get a yearly flu vaccine.