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本章充分论述科索沃战争。This chapter fully discusses the Kosovo War.

因为他们认为科索沃永远是塞尔维亚的一部分。For them Kosovo will always be part of Serbia.

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中国在科索沃问题上的基本立场是什么?What is China's basic position on the Kosovo issue?

三月份,在欧盟的发起下,塞尔维亚与科索沃对话谈判。In March Serbia and Kosovo began EU-sponsored talks.

科索沃是塞尔维亚南部的一个自治省。Kosovo is an autonomous province in southern Serbia.

中国在科问题上的立场是十分明确的。China's position on the Kosovo Question is very clear.

而阿族人要求建立他们自己的国家。For Kosovo Albanians the demand is for their own state.

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许多塞尔维人认为科索沃是国家之起源地。Many Serbs consider Kosovo as the origin of their nation.

关于与联合国妇女基金会访问战后科索沃避难所Onvisiting women's shelters in postwar Kosovo with UNIFEM

在科索沃和伊拉克的许多地方工作过。Ashley Gilbertson has worked extensively in Kosovo and Iraq.

这位年轻作家写了一部关于科索沃战争的小说,这使他初露锋芒。The young author bowed in with a novel about the Kosovo War.

但是在现在的科索沃,我们塞族人失去了所有的权利。But now in Kosovo we Serbs who remain do not have any rights.

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米洛舍维奇就在波西尼亚和科索沃的干预中“幸存”了!Slobodan Milosevic survived the interventions in Bosnia and Kosovo.

不过,她是在科索沃的小莱特尼察村接受了天主的召唤。But she embraced her calling in the small Kosovo village of Letnica.

在所有的事情发生之前,科索沃的阿族人享有权利。The Albanians in Kosovo used to have rights before all this happened.

她上个月在日本的演唱会上把此曲献给了科索沃。She dedicated the song to Kosovo while performing last month in Japan.

此外,科索沃许多人认为北京有亲塞尔维亚的倾向。Moreover, many in Kosovo feel that there is a pro-Serb tilt in Beijing.

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欧元以及南斯拉夫第纳尔共为科索沃的官方货币。The euro and the Yugoslav dinar are both accepted currencies in Kosovo.

成千上万的科索沃难民在阿尔巴尼亚库奇斯的难民营重新相聚。Thousands of Kosovo refugees were reunited and camped in Kukes, Albania.

杰克意识到,进入科索沃被炸毁的那座建筑物中的是个维克多派去的替身。Jack realizes that Victor sent a decoy into the blown up building in Kosovo.