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对布里斯班市印象最深的就是黄金海岸了。What impresses me most in Brisbane is the Golden Coast.

布村或者黄金海岸真的是很适合生活。Brisbane or Gold Coast, they are really good for living.

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对了,如果你们愿意,我明天可以带你们在布里斯本到处逛逛。Hey, tomorrow I can show you around Brisbane , if you want.

据悉,20岁的玛丽·凯特·海斯在事发前同意与一名男子同行前往布里斯班。Mary Kate Heys, 20, had agreed to ride with a manto Brisbane.

价格物超所值,且布理斯班市中心就在附近。Excellent value for money, just outside the centre of Brisbane.

盖文博若德班是澳大利亚布里斯班的一名很有才能的飞手。G avin Broadbent is a talented RC pilot from Brisbane Australia.

在该律所的布里斯班代表处的约翰·加里摩尔带领其小组。John Gallimore, based in the firm's Brisbane office, led the team.

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国泰航空公司来回香港至布里斯本机票。Roundtrip Economy class air ticket for Hong Kong and Brisbane on CX.

澳洲航空公司来回香港至布里斯本机票。Roundtrip Economy class air ticket for Hong Kong and Brisbane on QF.

来我们三个市政林园草木区感受一下布利斯班市的悠閒。Just take a leisurely tour of Brisbane 's heart via three major parklands.

其团队由布里斯班的皮特·杉克和墨尔本的大卫·瓦伦带领。Its team was led by Peter Schenk in Brisbane and David Warren in Melbourne.

旅客可选择从坎培拉、黄金海岸或布里斯本返港。Open Jaw is permitted for Brisbane, Canberra, Gold Coast and Brisbane only.

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摄于澳大利亚布里斯班河旁,这是在用木板铺成的小道旁边的蕨类植物上的晨露。Morning dew on a frond by the boardwalk next to the Brisbane River, Australia.

黎敦在积极面对在布里斯班公共事件女士吉拉德。Mr Latham aggressively confronted Ms Gillard during a public event in Brisbane.

这种三星期的教学计划,最初几天是在布里斯班或凯恩斯大学进行。This three-week course begins with several days at a university in Brisbane or Cairns.

在星期三晚上,梅根容克,一布里斯班居民,曾与她的邻居烧烤。On Wednesday night, Megan Junker, a Brisbane resident, had a barbeque with her neighbors.

他从布里斯班聘请那些无家可归的人到昆士兰地区区域的大畜牧场工作。He's recruited homeless people from Brisbane to work on properties in regional Queensland.

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这间4星级酒店位于布里斯班市中心,为客人提供舒适的住宿环境以及出色的休闲设施。Watermark Hotel Brisbane is a 4-star hotel located opposite Roma Street Parklands in Spring Hill.

布里斯班公司的主要商品为炼钢用的炼焦煤。The principal commodity of the Brisbane business unit is metallurgical coal for use in steel making.

莎拉波娃表示她期待明年能在澳网之前回到布里斯班的球场上。Sharapova said she expects to return to the court in Brisbane next year ahead of the Australian Open.