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他有几个孩子因营养不良而死亡。Some of his children died of undernourishment.

一方面因为工作过度,一方面因为营养不良,他哥哥病得很重。What with overwork and what with undernourishment his brother became very ill.

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营养不足对胎儿发育的不良影响已经得到了很好的文献证明。The ill effects of undernourishment on fetal development have been well documented.

眼膜则是在你的眼睛大量缺水、缺乏营养情况下的密集式保养。The retina is in yours eye massive water scarcities , the undernourishment situation intensive maintenance.

这种情况使已经遭受饥饿和营养不良的数百万穷人生活更加困难。This is creating further hardship for millions of poor people already suffering from hunger and undernourishment.

从营养不良这一点来看所有的非洲国家都处在最糟糕的处境中。African countries from the point of view of undernourishment are the ones that are overall in the worst situation than in other regions.

从营房不良这一观点来看,非洲国家整体上比起其他地区处于更危险的形势。African countries, from the point of view of undernourishment , are the ones that are overall in the worse situation than in other regions.

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多数病例发生在非洲撒哈拉以南地区和南亚,这两个地区营养不足和极端贫困率最高。Most of the cases occur in sub-Saharan Africa and southern Asia, the regions with the highest rates of undernourishment and extreme poverty.

说到营养不良,非洲国家跟其他地区相比,总的来看,情况是最糟糕的。"African countries from the point of view of undernourishment are the ones that are overall in the worst situation than in other regions," he added.

如果流离失所的农村家庭没有办法返回他们的农田,那么饥饿和食物不足状况在今后几个月里将会进一步恶化。Hunger and undernourishment will be worse in the months ahead if displaced rural households do not have the means to return to their agricultural lands.

与此同时,必须生产更多粮食以养活快速增长的人口,并且减轻目前近20亿人的长期饥饿或营养不良状况。At the same time, more food must be produced to sustain a rapidly growing population — and to alleviate chronic hunger or undernourishment in nearly 2 billion people today.

愁眉苦脸,只会使皮肤细胞缺乏营养,脸上的皮肤干枯无华,出现皱纹,同时还会加深面部的“愁纹”。Looks distressed, will only cause the skin cell undernourishment , on face's skin withered plain, will present the wrinkle, meanwhile will deepen the face "to worry the grain".

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比如很难用民主政治去纠正非极端的营养不良,或者长期的性别不平等,或者缺少全民平等的医疗保健。It is much more difficult to use democratic politics to remedy undernourishment that is not extreme, or persistent gender inequality, or the absence of regular medical care for all.

最近几年,印度民主在处理这些社会条件,比如性别不平等、缺少学校和大范围内的营养不良等问题取得了显著的进步。In recent years Indian democracy has made considerable progress in dealing with some of these conditions, such as gender inequality, lack of schools, and widespread undernourishment.

每天摆“苦瓜脸”会使皮肤细胞缺乏营养,脸上的皮肤干枯无华,出现皱纹,同时还会加深面部的“愁纹”。Every day will suspend "the balsam pear face" to cause the skin cell undernourishment , on face's skin withered plain, will present the wrinkle, meanwhile will deepen the face "to worry the grain".

自世界粮食首脑会议以来。各国政府和国际社会为战胜饥饿和营养不良做了大量的工作,取得了一定的成效。Since the world food summit, the government of various countries and the international community have made tremendous efforts in fighting hunger and undernourishment and have achieved some results.