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目的探讨腔静脉后输尿管的诊断及治疗。Objective To explore the diagnosis and treatment of retrocaval ureter.

本文在31具大月份胎儿尸体上对输尿管动脉进行了观察。The arteries of the ureter were investigated on 31 still-born fetuses.

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目的研究原发性输尿管癌的临床诊断特点。Objective To study the clinical diagnostic features of primary ureter cancer.

摘要盲枝输尿管裂是一种极为少见的泌尿系统的先天异常。The blind-ending bifid ureter is a rare congenital anomaly of urinary system.

这些方法的工作,特别是良好的石块在较低的部分输尿管。These methods work especially well on stones in the lower part of the ureter.

静脉肾孟造影对输尿管小结石有重要作用。Intravenous pyelography played an important role in diagnosis of small ureter stone.

吻合口瘘发生时间相对较早,漏尿量大。Compared to ureter fistula, stomas fistula occurred earlier with great leaked volume.

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目的探讨输尿管镜治疗输尿管壁内段狭窄的方法及疗效。To explore the pathways and results of using ureteroscopic to treat ureter stricture.

带蒂大网膜包裹术是有效的治疗方法。Enveloping the dissolved ureter with a piece of pediculated omentum is very effective.

输尿管已剖开可见表面多个小的反光性突起物。The ureter has been opened to reveal multiple small glistening "bumps" on the surface.

目的报告自体肾盂输尿管在肾移植术中的应用。Objective To study the application of native pelvis and ureter in kidney transplantation.

再将左侧输尿管自乙状结肠之肠系膜中穿出至右下腹部。The left ureter was tunneled under the sigmoid mesocolon towards the right lower abdomen.

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食蚊鱼泌尿系统包括中肾、输尿管、膀胱。The urinary system of Gambusia affinis was found to consist of kidney, ureter and bladder.

输尿管切断复位矫正术是治疗此病较好的手术方法。Ureter orthopedics and reduction are two ideal methods for the treatment of retrocaval ureter.

分析了原发性输尿管恶性肿瘤213例的诊断与治疗。We analysed the diagnosis and therapy for 213 cases of primary malignant tumors of the ureter.

结论MRU对小儿重复肾、重复输尿管畸形有重要的诊断价值。Conclu-sions MRU is a highly efficient method in diagnosis of duplication of pelvis and ureter.

进一步的气球扩张术亦成功地治疗了病人的输尿管狭窄。Subsequent endoureterotomy with balloon dilatation effectively treated steno sis of the ureter.

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病变主要表现为肿块或管壁增厚,间接征象包括输尿管积水及膀胱输尿管夹角改变。Their indirect findings were hydrocele of ureter and angle changing between ureter and bladder.

目的提高对输尿管中下段结石的超声诊断符合率。Objective To increase the ultrasonic diagnostic accuracy of calculus in the middle-lower ureter.

输尿管镜技术通过输尿管插入一个内诊镜来找出或消除石头。In ureteroscopy, an endoscope is inserted through the ureter to retrieve or obliterate the stone.