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讨论了影响穗发芽的其它因素。Other factors restricting preharvest sprouting are also discussed.

高抗秆、叶锈和根腐病、中抗赤霉病和穗发芽。Stem, leaf rust and antiflow rot, resistant genotypes and preharvest sprouting.

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以梨枣为试材,研究了采前套袋对梨枣果实贮藏效果的影响。In this paper, effects of preharvest bagging on postharvest storage property of Lizao jujube were studied.

在选择育种中,田间穗上发芽率以单粒选为好。The single grain selection is better for the preharvest sprouting rate in the selective breeding application.

此项试验旨在探讨防止满天红梨采前落果的有效途径。The effective approaches to prevent the preharvest fruit drop of Mantianhong Pear were studied in this experiment.

穗发芽的测定方法中,培养皿籽粒发芽法是一种简便易行、准确性较好的方法。The methods of Preharvest sprouting detection, seed germination in petri dish is a simple and accuracy better way.

在杂交水稻制种生产上,穗上芽的发生成为制约制种产量和品质的主要因素之一。During seed production in hybrid rice, preharvest sprouting is one of the main restricting factors for yield and quality.

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本文还讨论了颖片、芒中的抑制物质及温度对穗发芽的影响。Temperature influenced preharvest sprouting to some extent. The inhibiting substance in seed coat and ear was also discussed.

采前喷钙处理可以提高采后果实TSS含量,但对果实室温条件下的贮藏期和其它品质指标影响较小。Preharvest calcium treatment was able to improve TSS content in fruit, but it has little effect on storage life and other quality index.

花生工业界认为收获前花生黄曲霉毒素的污染是全世界花生工业界面临的最严峻的挑战。Preharvest aflatoxin contamination has been identified by the peanut industry as the most serious challenge facing the industry worldwide.

这一研究结论清楚地表明,人工合成小麦穗发芽抗性是可以通过杂交转移到普通小麦中来的。The result implied that the resistance of preharvest sprouting in synthetic hexaploidy wheat could be transferred to common wheat by crossing.

然而,人工合成小麦的穗发芽抗性与其颖壳硬度的关系尚不清楚。While the relationship between the resistance to preharvest sprout and its glume hardness has not been revealed in synthetic hexaploidy wheat.

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2006年在小麦生理成熟期,抗穗发芽鉴定了179个品种及上一年筛选的全部材料。In 2006, resistance to preharvest sprouting of the 196 selected cultivars in 2005 and 179 other wheat cultivars was investigated at physiological maturity.

人工合成小麦具有较强的抗病、抗逆等特点,抗穗发芽是其中的重要性状。Synthetic hexaploidy wheat has many good characters such as resistance to bio-abiostress. Resistance to preharvest sprout is one of these advantage characters.

综述了花生黄曲霉毒素污染的产前预防措施,产后去毒方法,展望以及有关动态。This paper covered the main problems of aflatoxin contamination of peanut with emphasis on preharvest preventative measures, detoxification, perspective and other dynamics.

减少枣果的采后病害可以通过田间综合防治、采收及采后处理过程中避免机械损伤和入库前的消毒处理等措施来解决。The fruit diseases can be controlled by some basic ways such as preharvest integrated pathogen management, avoiding physical injury during harvest and handling, disinfecting treatment before storage.

病原菌在田间的潜伏侵染和采后的伤口侵染是引起枣果贮藏病害的主要原因,其病原菌的种类既有真菌也有细菌。Preharvest infection and wound infection of pathogenic microorganism are the major factors to induce jujube fruit rot during storage. The sorts of pathogenic microorganism include bacterium and fungi.