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他们是旋风。They were a whirlwind.

伽弗洛什是一股旋风。Gavroche was a whirlwind.

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旋风般恋爱。It's a whirlwind courtship.

这真是段旋风般的浪漫史。It was quite the whirlwind romance.

任由旋风哀唱其挽歌。Let the whirlwind mourn its requiem.

他追求她不久便和她闪电般地结婚了。He married her after a whirlwind courtship.

闪电恋爱之后他们结婚了。They got married after a whirlwind romance.

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刚推出的时分引发商场一阵小旋风。Just launched a small whirlwind market launch.

但对我们两个人来说,这是一种‘旋风’式的浪漫。But it was a whirlwind romance for us too, I guess.

白武士说完,就策马飞驰而去。With that, the white knight rode off like a whirlwind.

一阵微风突然拂过,在底格里斯河的河面上形成一个小漩涡。A sudden breeze over the Tigris forms a tiny whirlwind.

他们所种的是风,所收的是暴风。For they sow the wind , and they shall reap the whirlwind.

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默多克后来在采访中表示,这是一场闪电式恋爱。It was, Rupert later said in interviews, a whirlwind romance.

一阵旋风在半空中把我托住,使我安全返回地面。A whirlwind catches me in midair and places me safely on the ground.

显然,我们正面临第二次世界大战后那段浪漫旋风的后果。We are obviously reaping the whirlwind of post-World War II romance.

在这座坟墓的旋风中,他们还是嬉笑自如。In this whirlwind of the sepulchre in which they stood, they laughed.

很多时候,一个新的妈妈一样,能感受到她是在一个新的旋风式活动。Often, a new mom can feel like she is in a whirlwind of new activity.

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旋风斩要10秒才能冷却,嗜血要6秒冷却。Whirlwind has a 10 second cooldown, Bloodthirst has a 6 second cooldown.

相同的雾通量作用下,火旋风能被熄灭,油池火却不能被灭掉。The mechanism of the water mist extinguish the fire whirlwind is discussed.

这就像有了不正当关系,然后约会,像蜜月一般慌慌张张的。Its like having an affair, then they meet and its like a whirlwind honeymoon.