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斯科蒂,为什么这样做?Scottie. Why are you doing this?

分别是J博士、皮蓬、乔丹、魔术师和年轻时的奥尼尔。Dr. J, Scottie Pippin, Jordan, Magic, and young Shaq.

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当然了朱利叶斯欧文,詹姆斯沃西,斯科特皮蓬和埃尔金贝勒。Tip o' the hat to Julius Erving, James Worthy, Scottie Pippen and Elgin Baylor.

其他能和科比相提并论的球员,估计只有皮蓬和邓肯了。The only other players that can match these numbers are Scottie Pippen and Tim Duncan.

2008年,首届“NBA传奇明星挑战赛”以史戈蒂皮帕,克莱德德雷斯勒,B。And then in 2008, the first NBA Legends Challenge featured Scottie Pippen, Clyde Drexler, B.

抛开那些与乔丹做比较的陈词滥调吧,斯科蒂皮蓬有着自己的事迹传说。Far from the clichéd Jordan comparisons, there lies the essence of the Scottie Pippen story.

露营活动由格雷戈威廉和前NBA明星皮蓬的侄子,沃伦皮蓬一起负责的。The camp is run by Greg Williams and Warren Pippen, cousin of former NBA star Scottie Pippen.

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而且,乔治.布什的苏格兰狗巴尼在白宫的网站中拥有自己的网站。And President George W. Bush's Scottie dog Barney had his own Web cam series on the White House Web site.

与公牛队管理层长期不和的乔丹和斯考蒂·皮蓬从7月1日开始都成为自由代理人。Jordan and Scottie Pippen, who had a long-running feud with the Bulls management, Both become free-agents on July 1.

骑士的管理层希望休斯能扮演当年皮蓬的角色,辅佐小皇帝,征战赛场。Cavs management was hoping they had added a Scottie Pippen -esque sidekick to ride alongside LeBron for years to come.

教练喜欢一个皮蓬式球员多过乔丹,我很全面,我让周围人变的更好。Coaches would rather have a Scottie -typ player than a Michael. I was an all-around player. I made people around me better.

当公牛队的迈克尔。乔丹和斯科蒂-皮蓬处于他们的全盛时期的时候,乔丹喜欢说他们是“汉堡和涂在汉堡上的蛋佐料”。When the Bulls' Michael Jordan and Scottie Pippen were in their prime, Jordan liked to say that they were "ham-and-egging."

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在他们之前,五月下旬是属于公牛队的,属于迈克尔乔丹,斯科特皮蓬,当然,还有杰克逊。Before them, late May and early June belonged to the Chicago Bulls, to Michael Jordan, Scottie Pippen and, of course, Jackson.

斯科特-皮蓬是一个防守很全面得球员,也是历史上最伟大的视野开阔的防守球员。Scottie Pippen is one of the most gifted all-around offensive players and one of the greatest perimeter defenders of all time.

随着迈克尔-乔丹的退役,斯科特-皮蓬接管了芝加哥公牛队,历经一个加时赛后以107-104击败了纽约尼克斯队。With Michael Jordan in retirement, Scottie Pippen powered the Chicago Bulls to a 107-104 overtime win against the New York Knicks.

在斯科特皮蓬步入篮球界最高殿堂的前夕,菲尔杰克逊在回忆中将他描述成"最佳的团队选手"。On the eve of Scottie Pippen's induction into basketball's highest society, Phil Jackson recalled him as “the ultimate team player.

迈克尔乔丹带领芝加哥公牛夺得了六个总冠军。而且即使他有斯科特皮蓬,人们也不会怀疑公牛是乔丹的球队。Michael Jordan led the Chicago Bulls to six titles. And while he had Scottie Pippen, there is little question the Bulls were Jordan's team.

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也许他不会成为下一个魔术师,迈克海尔或者皮蓬,但是科比会成为下一个独一无二的人,永远活在人们的心中。Maybe it isn't to be called the next Magic Johnson, Kevin McHale, or Scottie Pippen , but his niche can certainly be described as unforgettable.

但这对斯科蒂来说是最好的事情,要想与迈克尔在芝加哥并肩作战,他必须变得更强大,他必须学会竞争。But because Michael had left and came back and then we won again, he was given all the credit, and sometimes it was unfair, especially to Scottie.

犹他爵士86-83领先,比赛离结束只有41.9秒,斯科特·皮蓬背伤严重,芝加哥公牛恐怕要打第七局了。Trailing Utah 86-83 with 41.9 seconds left, Chicago was in danger of facing a Game 7 on the road, with Scottie Pippen severely limited by back pain.