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巴勒斯坦分析人士哈迪则没有这么乐观。Palestinian analyst Mahdi Abdel Hadi is less optimistic.

陈列于喀土穆哈里发博物馆的机枪。A machine gun obtained by Mahdi forces, now exhibiting in Al Khalifa Museum.

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这是伊拉克总理第一次点名要求萨德尔领导的迈赫迪军队解除武装。This was the first time the prime minister singled out al-Sadr's Mahdi Army.

上个月马赫迪军的民兵在萨德尔城的郊外。Mahdi Army militiamen are seen on the outskirts of Baghdad's Sadr City last month.

他是在伊安全部队与其领导的马赫迪军发生大规模武装冲突后做出这一表示的。His threat comes as security forces engaged in heavy fighting with militia from Sadr's Mahdi Army.

迫击炮提醒人们,马赫迪军在等着美国人离开,而不打算让路。The mortars were a reminder that the Mahdi Army is waiting the Americans out, not giving way to them.

有报告称,救世主军民兵会仅仅因为年轻男子穿戴“西方时装”而骚扰袭击他们。There are reports that Mahdi army militias are harassing young men simply for wearing "western fashions".

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然后,迈赫迪军蜂拥入城,袭击了数所警察局,用炸药将其夷为平地。The Mahdi Army then swarmed into town and overran several police stations, levelling them with explosives.

周二早些时候,伊拉克安全部队与马赫迪军队的什叶派民兵爆发了激烈的斗争。Heavy fighting broke out between Iraqi security forces and the Mahdi Army Shiite militia earlier on Tuesday.

一个陆军萨德尔武装成员,迈赫迪保护中心在星期五祈祷逊尼派的清真寺。An armed member of the Army Muqtada al-Sadr, Mahdi protects the central Sunni mosque during the Friday prayer.

当地已经发生多起冲突,其中包括美国部队与迈赫迪军队之间的对抗。There have been several clashes here including one between American forces and the fighters from the Mahdi army.

在整个巴格达,特别是在东侧,马赫迪军继续从事实上的安全避难所行动。Across Baghdad, especially on the city's east side, the Mahdi Army continues to operate from de facto safe havens.

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在首都巴格达同样爆发了马赫迪军成员与其他什叶派别的冲突。Fighting also erupted in the capital Baghdad between suspected Mahdi fighters and members of rival Shiite faction.

最壮大的什叶派民兵马赫迪军遵守停火协议,民兵暴力大幅下降。The largest Shi'ite militia, the Mahdi Army, is observing a cease-fire and militia violence has fallen dramatically.

在首都巴格达,受怀疑的马赫迪武装分子和什叶派集团之间爆发了战斗。Fighting also erupted in the capital, Baghdad, between suspected Mahdi fighters and members of a rival Shiite faction.

这个问题的一部分是停火方案从来没有被什叶派激进份子、南部的马赫迪军全面执行。Part of the problem has been that the cease-fire was never fully embraced by the Shia militias, the Mahdi Army in the south.

在伊拉克受人民拥戴的传教士穆克塔达•萨德尔已经扬言要重新建立马赫迪武装自卫队,驱逐留下的美军。Muqtada al-Sadr, a popular cleric, has threatened to reconstitute his Mahdi Army militia to drive out any remaining Americans.

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“迈赫迪军”为萨德尔领导的民兵武装组织,2004年至2007年对以美军为首的多国部队发动一系列袭击。"Mahdi Army" militia of Sadr's organization, from 2004 to 2007 of the US-led multinational force launched a series of attacks.

一个原因是社团的重要复仇工具——萨迪尔的迈赫迪军,在06到07年间已经被收复。One reason is that the community's main instrument of vengeance in '06 and '07 — Muqtada al-Sadr's Mahdi Army — has been tamed.

萨德尔已经召回了部署在巴士拉街道上和其他省市的马赫迪军。The Shiite Cleric Muqtada al- Sadr has called the militiamen from the Mahdi Army off the streets of Basra and all other provinces.