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我的鞋需要补一补。My shoes need mending.

这双鞋需要修理。The shoes need mending.

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这提包带需要修理。The strap needs mending.

你正在修笔吗?Are you mending your pen?

他的衣服该补了。His clothes need mending.

这件衬衫需要补一补。This shirt wants mending.

这部二手车需要謦理。The used car needs mending.

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他确信能修这部收音机。He is sure of mending the radio.

但它的机械装置需要一些改进。But its mechanism needed some mending.

我付给建造商修房顶的钱。I paid the builder for mending the roof.

我父亲花了一整天的时间整修树篱。My father spent a whole day mending the hedge.

这些天来工人们正在修理那台机器。The workers are mending the machine these days.

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补这双鞋,你收我多少钱?How much will you charge me for mending the shoes?

他把那个锁试着修了叁次以后,放弃不修了。He had three tries at mending the lock and gave up.

你可愿去缝补一颗破碎的心,以有所作为?。would you make your mark by mending a broken heart?

他们帮助居民缝补和洗衣裳。They help the residents with their laundry and mending.

合法吉姆修自行车时,林涛来看他。While Jim was mending his bike, Lin Tao came to see him.

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没有必要花钱去修理那破车了。There is no need in spending money mending the broken car.

我可以帮你换保险丝,当你的灯不亮。I could be handy mending a fuse. When your lights have gone.

原来女娲补天的故事就发生在这里。Oh, the story of Nuhuo mending the sky took place right here.