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那则是不专业的。That's unprofessional.

作为一个非职业的扑克赛报导记者,我答应了。Being an unprofessional poker reporter, I said yes.

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一个职业化程度不高的人而留吗?Is there any possibility for an unprofessional person?

并且所有这些都是非常不专业而且不入眼的!And, all this is very unprofessional and at-sea looking!

四处活动批评同事是不符合职业道德的。It's unprofessional to go round criticizing your colleagues.

这诱使读者认为这是垃圾邮件的和不专业。This induces the reader to think that it is spammy and unprofessional.

久而久之,“三脚猫”一词成了做事技艺不精的意思了。Gradually, the word is changed to mean being unprofessional in doing things.

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动画图片会分散网站浏览者的注重力,会使网页显得业余。These can be very distracting and can cause your page to look unprofessional.

再次感谢广东现代舞团给一个非专业舞者这样一个舞台。Thanks to Guangdong Modern Dance for giving a stage to unprofessional dancers.

我们认为自己是骗子,虽然毫不专业但却意外成功。We thought of ourselves as impostors, succeeding despite being totally unprofessional.

她拒绝就调查结果谈论任何细节,那样就违反职业道德了。She declines to discuss the details of her findings, saying it would be unprofessional.

一旦你做了,那么你给自己惹上了麻烦,树了敌,给人的印象是你对工作不专业。As soon as you do, you implicate yourself, make enemies, and come off as unprofessional.

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一个令人厌烦的博客或不专业网站不如根本没有,帕若克女士说。A boring blog or an unprofessional Web site is worse than none at all, Ms. Paprocki said.

“牛仔编码”是缺乏规则和管理糟糕的迹象,并且很不专业。"Cowboy coding" is a sign of lack of discipline and poor management and is unprofessional.

施特莱夫总检察长随后的微博客的口气显得似乎既不专业又很刺耳。The tone of Attorney General Shutleff's subsequent Tweets seem strident and unprofessional.

耸拉着头会使你看起来很不专业,还可能使听众听不清楚你的演讲。Dropping your head looks unprofessional and may prevent your audience from hearing you clearly.

如果让烦恼的东西影响到自己的工作,那是不理智的。It is considered unprofessional to let your pet peeves or annoyances get in the way of your job.

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没有什么比告诉别人自己有多棒更不专业和自私的了。There is nothing more unprofessional and self-serving than telling others how wonderful you are.

仅仅因为这个人的表现不专业,并不意味着您也会同样地表现。Just because this person behaves in an unprofessional manner, that doesn't mean you should as well.

我向下看了看了那个挖出来的黑洞,然后我回过头来爬上了那个小山偷偷擦掉了眼泪。I looked down that black hole, then turned and climbed the sand mound to hide my unprofessional tears.