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它将非常乐于发芽。It germinates very obligingly.

此时镜头拉近了他的裤子。The camera obligingly panned his trousers.

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这位男士亲切地把号码输入她的手机,然后把车驶向路边停下。He obligingly taps it into her cellphone, and then pulls off.

在那个早上,他自觉地拿出了一件充满樟脑球气味的旧西装并穿上了它。He obligingly pulled an old suit out of mothballs and wore it that morning.

祖父看着她,微笑着亲切地把她那上了年纪的手放在自己的手中。Grandpa looked over at her, smiled and obligingly took her aged hand in his.

瘦子热情的转过身叫奴隶女孩给他们拿些食物和酒来。The thin man turned obligingly and called for the slave girl to fetch them food and drink.

朗把自己的学徒辫子塞到耳朵后面的安全地带,然后亲切地抱起了咯咯笑个不住的小娃娃。Lon tucked his Padawan braid safely behind his ear and obligingly picked up the giggling infant.

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我想你能看到描述中的客户乐于履行治疗师的期望!I think you can see in this description that the client was obligingly fulfilling the therapist’s expectations!

以色列人说,“你坐着吧,我给你拿。”起身就走了。那个阿拉伯人马上捡起以色列人的鞋子,向里面吐了口吐沫。Again, the Israeli obligingly went to fetch it, and while he is gone the Arab other picked up the other shoe and spit in it.

一个警察押送一个犯人去监狱。忽然他的帽子被风吹掉了。“我去替您捡帽子,行吧?”犯人讨好地问。A policeman was escorting a prisoner to jail when his hat blew off. "Shall I run and get it for you?" asked the prisoner obligingly.

我们也明白了这扇门如此殷勤地在冉阿让面前打开,是德纳第在耍手腕。Thus it will be easily understood that that grating, so obligingly opened to Jean Valjean, was a bit of cleverness on Thenardier's part.

当奥克雷特号到达我们的第二个地点时,一条编号为28781的雌性蛇鳕轻柔地游过并留下足迹。When the Auklet arrived at our second site, a female lingcod with tag number 28781 obligingly swam by and announced her presence with a ping.

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靠近东沙岛时,机长热情地低飞过这一大片环礁好几次,让记者对著C-130运输机上少数几个窗户赞叹连连。On approach, the pilots obligingly flew across the massive coral ring a couple times at low altitude, drawing clusters of journalists to the C-130's few windows to ooh and ahh.

土星在天空中运行的轨道刚好经过巨蟹座逆行,它会在相对较暗的巨蟹座中的M44附近逗留一段时间。Near the stationary part of its wandering path through the heavens, Saturn will obligingly linger for a while in the vicinity of M44 in the relatively faint constellation Cancer.

韦小宝拿起一件珠宝一看,写单的书吏便在单上将这件珠宝一笔划去,表示鳌拜府中从无此物。Songgotu's staff meanwhile began the business of taking a proper inventory. If Trinket picked up a pearl, the scribe would obligingly delete that item from the inventory, as if it had never existed.