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一个当地人和狗玩。Local gets frisky with Fido.

可怜的费多高兴得几乎要发狂了。Poor Fido was ready to go out of his wits for joy.

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但人类到底最早从什么时候开始把狗当作食物的呢?But just how long have humans regarded Fido as food?

这就意味着大黄所作所为是统治与服从的表现么?Does this mean Fido is into dominance and submission?

当你进入黑屋子的时候,只要吹一声口哨,它就会自动打开。When you enter a dark room, just whistle and fido will light up.

如果看到狗在吃草,他们就会计划在家里度过雨天。If they notice Fido eating grass, they may plan for a rainy day indoors.

狗是人类最好的朋友,但可能只有婴儿才能理解它们在想些什么。Dogs may be man's best friend, but babies might also really understand Fido.

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当然,不可能狗狗的每一眼都是爱,有时,他只是看上了你的晚餐。Of course not every glance from Fido is loving — he may simply want your dinner.

珊迪喂营养粉给某个接受者的所有事件都是一种针对斐多的事件。Every event of Sandy feeding Nutrapup to some recipient is one of doing so to Fido.

我们曾相信狗不会攻击我们,但流行病学的研究破灭了这一想法。Epidemiology studies also undermine the desire to believe that Fido would never turn on us.

一个大热天,他的主人吃完晚饭后就在凉亭睡觉,费多待在主人旁边。One hot day, after dinner, his master was sleeping in a summer-house , with Fido by his side.

菲计划推出两牡蛎粉红色和灰色的12月第二周的黑莓8120珍珠。Fido is planning to launch the BlackBerry 8120 Pearl in both Oyster Pink and Grey on second week of December.

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若是你认为狗不会算数,那就试看看把三块狗饼乾放在衣袋里,然后只给小狗其中两块。If you think dogs can't count, try putting three dog biscuits in your pocket and then giving Fido only two of them.

谢谢,我听到了,消防栓,你叫你妹妹淘气包,这并不好笑,也不适当。Thank you. I heard, and frankly fire hydrant, I don't think it's funny or appropriate for you to call your sister fido.

正如你不能把本本放在床上或地板上一样,你的狗狗也得和电脑保持距离。Just like you don't want to rest your computer on your bed or on your floor, you also want to keep that thing away from Fido.

有的情侣可能是因为共租合同或一起花钱,以及其他的现实考量才半推半就进入婚姻的围城。Couples might also be nudged into nuptials because of a joint lease or shared ownership of Fido — along with other practicalities.

为了节约钱财,很多有着创新动手能力,又想要节约的人都自己动起手来制作一系列的东西,从清洁用具到食物的调料。It’s back to basics for many creative savers, who are making everything from their own cleaning products and condiments to food for Fido.

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在我们班里,有一个个子高的淘气包,长得有点胖,头有点大,在一双透亮灵活的眼睛下面,长着一张“大”嘴。In our class, there is a tall fido grow a little bit fat, head slightly large, in a pair of bright flexible below the eye, have a big mouth.

有时,他的主人会脱掉外套去田里帮工人干活,费多就会在旁边守着,不让其他人或者动物碰它。If his master pulled off his coat in the field to help his workman, as he would sometimes do, Fido always sat by it, an d would not suffer either man or beast to touch it.

更紧张的是,朋侪关心毛茸茸可以救助缓解压力,低落血压,并与菲多块四周每日行程是一个机遇,以应付非毛茸茸的朋侪。What's more, caring for furry friends can help ease stress and lower your blood pressure, and a daily trip around the block with Fido is a chance to meet non-furry friends.