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你不负责任,不可信赖。You're irresponsible and untrustworthy.

这个统计分析是不可信赖的。The unctuous receptionist seemed untrustworthy.

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他作为一个国王,则是丢脸的和不可信赖的。As a king he was dishonourable, and untrustworthy.

我从来都没有想到你是如此的靠不住。I never would have thought you could be so untrustworthy.

我们说服了他,他未把钱借给那个不能信赖的人。We persuaded him out of lending his money to that untrustworthy man.

如果你避免眼神的交流,别人就会认为你不真诚、不值得信任。If you fail to make eye contact you will be seen as insincere and untrustworthy.

在严密的询问下,证人反复无常的策略给人的印象是他不可靠。The witness' protean tactics under cross-examination gave the impression that he was untrustworthy.

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他说我不值得信任,而且反对家庭观念,而我说他正在分裂美国,阻止我们进步。He said I was untrustworthy and anti-family, while I said he was dividing America and holding us back.

日本至今从未对其战时罪行表示自责,也拒绝悔改,看起来好像无可信任。Japan thus far shows no remorse of its past misdeeds, refuses to repent, and appears to be untrustworthy.

做一些额外的工作并验证您的输入,总比运行未知的和不能信赖的代码要好一些。It's always better to do the extra work and validate your input than to run unknown and untrustworthy code.

为了防止病毒或其他有害的问题,不要打开来源不明或不可靠的附件。To prevent viruses or other unwanted problems, do not open attachments from unknown or untrustworthy sources.

布瑞克先生从没有过股票经纪人——对他来说,他们和医生一样不值得信任——所以他到“药剂师专柜”去求助。Mr.Brick had never used a broker—to him, they were just as untrustworthy as doctors—so he went to the Apothecary Shoppe for help.

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我开始与比奇这一家人住的时候,我相信生活根本就是不公平的,爱是虚无飘渺、靠不住的。By the time I went to live with the Beaches, I believed that life was entirely unfair and that love was tenuous and untrustworthy.

孔子也说﹕人而无信,就像两个车轮间没了锁住车辕的关键,车子还可以带得动吗?Confucius also said that an untrustworthy person is like two wheels without the axle to lock them in place-how could they support the cart?

就像信任游戏里那些不值得信任的人一样,这个结果可能也意味著,自闭症患者的催产素受体可能功能失常。As was likely true of the untrustworthy people in the trust game, this result suggests that those with autism may have an oxytocin receptor dysfunction.

即使是单独的数据输入职员也可能无意识地向应用程序发送一些问题数据,甚至也必须将其视为不受信任的源。Even the lonely data-entry clerk must be considered an untrustworthy source, even though he may unintentionally send our application some troublesome data.

根据公共成员的操作和输入处理,它可能会允许不可信的调用方访问通常仅限由可信代码访问的功能。Depending on the public member's actions and input handling, it might allow untrustworthy callers to access functionality normally restricted to trustworthy code.

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我们听到许多关于病毒的抱怨,所以我们敦促所有的电视机用户记住,千万不要去收看那些不可靠的有线电视频道。We've heard numerous complaints about a virus, so we urge all users to remember that there are untrustworthy cable channels out there that they should never visit.

显然,极不值得信任的人有著类似反社会的人格特质,这些人对他人的苦痛漠不关心,甚至还会幸灾乐祸。Tellingly, the highly untrustworthy possess personality traits that resemble those of sociopaths , who are indifferent to or even stimulated by another's suffering.

针对这些并不可靠的描述,匿名用户发表几条不公正的评论,这样即使是很好的酒店也可能摆脱不了“一星级”的厄运,反之,那些比较糟糕的酒店或许就可以获得很高的评价。And to this cacophony of untrustworthy claims, anonymous user reviews can add sometimes biased reviews leading even great hotels to receive one star ratings and vice versa.