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我住在辽宁鞍山市。I'm in Liaoning, at Anshan.

鞍山是我国的钢都。Anshan is our country's steel metropolis.

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美德是高尚的,但美德需要付出和给予。---------乔安山。Virtue is lofty, but it requires you to give. -------- Qiao Anshan.

鞍山市可以说是我国深化企业改革及金融改革有一定代表性的城市。Anshan is a typical city of China enterprises reform and banks reform.

本厂是一家以铁线、锈钢线做材料的工艺厂。We have placed or order for some steel with Anshan Iron and Steel Factory.

在经历一系列挫折后,马安山在实践中得到了成长。After experiencing a series of setbacks, ma Anshan got growing in practice.

安山小流域属低山丘陵中度侵蚀区,水土流失严重。Anshan basin is low mountains middle erode area, the soil eroded very serious.

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该炉在鞍钢弓长岭球团厂获得成功应用并成为示范炉。This furnace is used at the Anshan Iron and Steel Co. as demonstration furnace.

鞍山哪有卖整块的木料的?1米见方以上的。Which has Anshan to sell the monoblock lumber's? 1 meter of square is the above.

柿树底金矿床赋存于中元古界熊耳群安山岩中,矿体受断裂破碎带控制。The Shishudi gold deposits is located in Mesoproterozoic Xiong'er Group Anshan Ore.

坐落在天津鞍山道上的“静园”曾是中国末代皇帝溥仪居住过的地方。It's the place where the last emperor of China lived, located on Anshan Rd, Tianjin.

鞍钢投资将是中美关系转折点这一说法并不为过。It is no exaggeration to say that the Anshan investment will be a turning point for U.

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安善虎监视到道贤跟崔国焕机密见面,汇报给仁惠。AnShan tiger surveillance to meet with dao Yin CuiGuoHuan confidential and report to RenHui.

鞍山是一座轻松而从容的城市,在这里你可以抛却负担、享受轻松。Anshan is a leisurely place where you can hang up your coat, take off your burdens, and relax.

1989年,由鞍山钢铁公司赞助的第一个篮球俱乐部在沈阳成立。In 1989, the first basketball club, sponsored by Anshan Steel Company, was founded in Shenyang.

鞍山钢铁和中国政府使计划在密西西比的投资政治化的向美国国会提出请求。Anshan and China charge the U.S. Congress with politicizing the planned investment in Mississippi.

从程序的角度,鞍山麻将是复杂度可以说是"五星级"的。At the view of the programming, the complexity of Anshan Mahjong could be said to be "five-star ".

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南果梨是鞍山地区特产,是当地农民的主要经济来源。The Nanguo pear is the specialty of Anshan region and also the main pocketbook of the local farmers.

鞍山市金子兰床垫家具有限公司,位于铁东区营城子村。Anshan City Mattress Furniture Co. , Ltd. gold orchid situated in Yingchengzi village Tiedong district.

鞍钢高炉合理的炉料结构是高碱度烧结矿与酸性球团矿搭配使用。The rational burden composition at Anshan Steel is the combination of high basicity sinters and pellets.