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她被责成更俭省地生活。She was enjoined to live more frugally.

我们还能活得更省一点。We’re able to live a lot more frugally now.

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我如果半退休了怎么办呢?我过得已经很节俭了。What if I'm semi-retired? I'm living frugally already.

如果你是一个省吃俭用型的,1000也差不多够了。If you are a live frugally type, 1000 is almost enough.

他们省吃俭用,为的是为国家积累资金。They live frugally to accumulate more funds for the state.

我取消了信用卡,生活开始节衣缩食。I canceled the credit card, and began to live more frugally.

你可以自己简装一下公寓使之看起来更有家的感觉。Make your apartment feel like a home by decorating frugally.

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可以适当地给自己一点奖励,但仍然要尽可能地保持节俭。Reward yourself a little bit, but live as frugally as possible.

他说,最纯粹的幸福在于工作勤奋和生活俭朴。The truest happiness, he said, lay in working hard and living frugally.

在寻求简单生活的过程中,很多人完全放弃了奢华和舒适,过着简朴的生活,走完自己的一生。Many end up living frugally giving up all luxuries and comforts in the search for a simple life.

节衣缩食的生活越来越少了,然而物质并不会增加我们的幸福感。Part of living frugally is getting by with less. Especially stuff that really does not add to our happiness.

美国人希望减少今年假日购物开支,优惠券网站正筹划着大量促销。With Americans expected to shop frugally for the holidays this year, deal sites are planning big promotions.

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很明显,为达成节俭生活的目标,Steve和Annette像一对搭档一样互相弥补对方。It is evident how both Steve and Annette complement each other well as partners in their goal to live frugally.

不过,在突然要做游玩和社交决定时,虽然也可做出节俭的建议,但是不要说破。However, when making spur-of-the-moment entertainment or social choices, suggest frugally but don't point it out.

他要自己做饭,自己烧茶,还要自己扫地,总之,就是像虔诚的和尚那样过着俭朴的生活。He cooked his own rice, boiled his own tea, swept his own floor, and lived frugally as an honest priest should do.

所有这些优点都可以让你拥有更多的时间和家人朋友在一起,而且准备食物时很省钱。All of this adds up to more time with family and friends and being frugally minded in the preparation of your meals.

常常生活在痛苦当中,他才有真正的道心,才有坚定的念头要超越这个世间。Only by living most simply and frugally can we acquire a true Dharma heart and be firmly determined to transcend this world.

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欧洲太空总署也采用霍尔推进器,以更高的效率推动聪明一号太空船探索月球。And it was a Hall thruster that the European Space Agency used to efficiently propel its SMART-1 spacecraft frugally to the moon.

这个世界似乎很忙碌,我们在书写电子邮件或即时消息时总是喜欢使用一些缩略词来节省按键次数。It seems that the world is in a big hurry as we frugally save keystrokes by using acronyms when we write emails and instant messages.

如果你在尽可能节约地生活,可在每一天结束的时候都感到生活一片空白,你的平衡也有问题。If you spend all of your time living as frugally as possible but feel empty at the end of the day, there’s a balance problem here, too.