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理念之于司法,犹如罗盘之于航海。It is principle in judicatory as if compass it in voyage.

无此便不能确保司法公正和效率目标的实现。Otherwise, judicatory impartiality and efficiency can not be ensured.

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司法独立更有助于司法机关完成定纷止争的使命。The setting and moving of the judicatory should follow the law of its own.

审判权的独立行使是司法公正的前提。Exercising jurisdiction independently is precondition of judicatory justice.

医院内设有“吉林通达司法鉴定所”。Set inside the hospital " place of appraisal of Jilin understand judicatory ".

应从司法的基本规律来审视“马锡五审判方式”在具体司法行为中的运用。Using the said trial mode in practice shall be judged by the basic principle of judicatory.

从我国司法实践看,在“李宏晨诉北极冰科技公司”一案中,法院肯定了网络虚拟财产的价值。From judicatory fulfillment of our country, the court has affirmed the value of the virtual property.

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这个标准不会对司法审判产生任何影响,也不会左右判决结果。This standard won't produce any effects to judicatory adjudgement, also won't control adjudicative outcome.

其实,判例制度在我国古代的司法中也曾经有过辉煌的历史。In fact, the judicial precedent system had a very glorious history in the ancient judicatory in our country.

梅蒂斯人在历史、司法、政治、语言和文化等诸多方面都构成一个特殊群体。The Métis constitute a distinct ethnic group in terms of history, judicatory , politics, language and culture.

但是由于简易程序立法的局限性,导致立法和司法的矛盾。But due to the limitation of the legislation of summary procedure conflict arises between legislation and judicatory.

但是,由于此法在立法上还有不够完善的地方,所以,在司法实践中导致该法的适用性不强。However, due to it still is imperfect in legislation, so the applicability in judicatory practice is not good enough.

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并提出若干有新意的认识,对现实司法实践和未来立法更新提供一定参考。Is also puts forward some new ideas which could be of some value in curent judicatory practice and lawmaking renewal.

汉律对于司法官吏渎职罪的规定,贯穿于刑事司法的各主要环节。And the strict prescriptions for Crime of Malfeasance in Han Dynasty's Law run through all criminal judicatory details.

但我国刑事司法改革的道路是曲折和漫长的,还存在诸多不足和需要完善之处。But the road of criminal judicatory reformation is zigzag and lengthy, has many deficiencies and needs to be completed.

现行司法的审级制度影响法院独立行使裁判权,影响司法公正,必须进行改革。The current judicatory trial class system influences court dependence and the judicatory fairness. It must be reformed.

建立这种制度的立法本义是基于更好的保护公民的合法权益和节约司法资源。Establishing this system is to protect more lawful rights and interests of citizen, economize more resource of judicatory.

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司法诚信不仅仅是司法机关内部改革的急需,更应是构建和谐社会的法律理念。Judicatory goodfaith is not only the urgent need for judicatory reform but also a law concept for building harmony society.

我国的司法审查需要改革,需要完善现有强制侦查审查方式。The judicatory inspection in China needs reform, and the inspection of compulsory criminal investigation needs improvement.

以社会为本位的刑事司法理念重视解决犯罪问题的社会效果,体现了刑事政策的价值目标。Society-oriented criminal judicatory ideas emphasize the social effect of crimes and embody the value object of criminal policy.