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看来,我们只好放弃索赔了。It seems we’ll have to waive the claim.

在这个问题上,他没有放弃权利。He didn't waive his right in this matter.

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在美国被告可以放弃陪审团的审判。In the U. S. the defendent may waive trial by jury.

我认罪,放弃宪法权利。I waive my constitutional rights against self-incrimination.

第二百一十八条质权人可以放弃质权。Article 218 The pledgee may waive his interest to the pledge.

我立即写信给我们的总公司提出放弃索赔。I’ll write to our home office to waive our claim immediately.

中韩航线的不占座婴儿免收燃油附加费。South Korea routes do not account for the infant seat waive fuel surcharges.

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有趣的是,作者不能放弃版权提供的任何权利。Interestingly, an author may not waive any of the rights provided by copyright.

来源说,太阳已经决定在窗口关闭之前裁掉卡特。The Suns, sources said, have already decided to waive Carter within that window.

我放弃我的审查权或访问我的代表建议的信件和声明。I waive my right to review or access letters and statements of recommendation on my behalf.

于是我就在电话上请求业务代表免掉那28块。So, there I was, on the phone requesting the representative to waive the 28 dollars for me.

但俄罗斯并没有咬着不放,而是表示俄愿意放弃这笔债务。But instead of making a big deal out of this debt, Russia has said it is willing to waive it.

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美国国税局还知道在特殊情况下放弃对人少付罚款。The IRS has also been known to waive underpayment penalties for people in special circumstances.

第一百九十四条抵押权人可以放弃抵押权或者抵押权的顺位。Article 194 A mortgagee may waive his mortgage interest or his place in the order of mortgage interest.

特此中荷水务及柏林中国放弃在此方面针对目标公司的所有权利要求。SDWIG and BCH hereby waive any and all claims they may have against the Target Company in this respect.

诉讼实践证明,“有法必依”的司法原则不可动摇。It has been proved in judicial practice that principle of compliance of effective laws should not waive.

法律援助署署长也可行使酌情权,就理据充分的人权法案诉讼,豁免申请人的经济上限。The Director of Legal Aid may waive the upper financial eligibility limit in meritorious Bill of Rights cases.

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政府在10月22日宣布,将通过对特定地产交易取消契税的方式刺激呈衰退之势的房地产销量。The government announced on Oct. 22 that it would waive taxes on certain property deals to spur flagging sales.

业主与设计顾问自动放弃对因本项目而引起的间接和经济损害的索赔权。The Client A nd Design Consultant waive claims for consequential A nd economic damages arising out of the Project.

如有用户有特殊要求,我们可根据您的要求特殊设计,并免收设计费。If users have special requirements, we can special design according to your requirements, and waive the design fee.