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那个石壁炉。The stone fireplace.

壁炉在冒烟吗?Is the fireplace smoking?

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我呆呆地盯着壁炉。I stare dully at the fireplace.

火炉的火在吐焰。A fire was blazing in the fireplace.

我把这封信用胶带固定在壁炉上。I taped the letter to the fireplace.

一节原木在壁炉里烧得劈啪作响。A log fire crackled in the fireplace.

到了半夜,壁炉已熄灭了。The fireplace snuffed out at midnight.

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炉火照亮了对面的墙壁。The fireplace flamed the opposite wall.

他把烟斗的烟灰敲到壁炉里。He tapped his pipe out into the fireplace.

小鼬子一窝蜂似地跑向壁炉。The ferrets rush wildly for the fireplace.

谁用煤炭的灰湮没了壁炉香?Who has submerged the fireplace with coom ?

您要不要在壁炉前放一张地毯?Do you want a rug in front of the fireplace?

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每一根蜡烛的光焰都歪向壁炉一边。Each candle-flame drew towards the fireplace.

新的壁炉的固定物被固定在墙上。A new fireplace fixture was fixed in the wall.

壁炉里燃烧着暖融融的炉火。A welcoming fire was burning in the fireplace.

他们盘坐在壁炉前。They squatted themselves before the fireplace.

这个老壁炉有个非常引人注目的围绕物。This old fireplace has a very attractive surround.

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木材燃烧的壁炉和气体抽出和壁炉罩。Wood burning Fireplace with gas stub-out and mantel.

绝不要将树枝置于火中。Never burn Christmas-tree branches in your fireplace.

他正躺在壁炉旁的特大号床上休息。He was relaxing in the King-size bed by the fireplace.