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数据是有据可依的。Data is factual.

这将是一本真实的书。The book was to be factual.

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最后是证据上的局限And finally there's factual.

我只能给出事实性概要。I can only give factual synopses.

她说话的声音平稳,语调实在。Her voice was steady and her tone factual.

这些炒作没有任何事实根据。There is no factual basis for these claims.

你很镇定,只说事实,没有自怜自哀。You are cool, factual and not self-pitying.

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当然会有真凭实据!Certainly have really with the factual proof!

现在,仍有很多人依旧认为它是真实的。Many people today still consider it be factual.

我们不能在没有真凭实据的情况下就认为他有罪。We cannot condemn him without factual evidence.

本章为主题阐述提供了现实基础。This chapter provides factual basis for the topic.

中国人的航海地图证明了这个是真实的。Maps of the Chinese voyage show this to be factual.

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犯事实错误是新闻工作过程中的一部分。Factual errors are part of the journalistic process.

第四部分是我国违约非财产性损害赔偿制度构建。The third part is the non-pecuniary damages Factual analysis.

该文章是否有错字?格式或是事实上的错误?。Does this article have spelling, stylistic, or factual errors?

本身并没有跟任何事实有关。"He did not know", as such, does not concern anything factual.

就我所知,这篇课文中没有事实性错误。The text is free of factual errors, to the best of my knowledge.

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对变栅距光栅的实验样品进行了栅距的实际检测。Examine the factual space of the experimental VLS grating sample.

所有报刊文章中有一半至少会有一个事实错误。Half of all newspaper articles contain at least one factual error.

与闲言碎语相近,但比较起来更多是建立在一些事实或半事实的基础上。Similar to gossip, but usually more based on some factual element or