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通常,您需要在两个字符串之间连接一个变量。Often, you need to concatenate a variable between two strings.

连接操作会首先将字符串连接在一起,然后将其作为一个参数打印。Concatenation would concatenate the string and print it as one argument.

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无法串联宽字符字符串和非宽字符字符串。You cannot concatenate a wide character string and non-wide character string.

要查看趋势,连接日志文件并在合并的输出上运行后处理程序脚本。To see trends, concatenate log files and run a processing script on the combined output.

但是,在某些组织中,最佳做法是将部件类型与部件名称串联。However, in certain organizations, the practice is to concatenate part type with part name.

一个常见的报告需求就是将数据从多个列合并到一个字符串中。A common reporting requirement is to concatenate data from more than one column into a single string.

在第四章中,我们结合具有延迟处理器的篱栅编码架构与正交空时区块码应用于正交分频多工系统。In chapter 4, we concatenate space-time block coding with a delay processor and a signal mapper in OFDM system.

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最后,串接所有密文块以得到全部纯文本数据的密文形式。At the end, you concatenate all of the cipher text blocks to arrive at the cipher text form of the complete plain text data.

我们也可以对字符串进行切片,实际上这些都可以,因此字符串也支持选择,切片。That is we'd like to be able to get pieces of them out. We'd like to be able add them together or concatenate them together.

当连接数量巨大或尺寸巨大的字符串时,数组联合是IE7和它的早期版本上唯一具有合理性能的方法。If you don't need to worry about IE7 and earlier, array joining is one of the slowest ways to concatenate strings. Use simple.

而且在码率比较大的情况下,比规则低密度校验码的性能更为优越。Especially, with high coding rate, multiple-serial concatenate low-density parity-check codes have better performance than regular codes.

例如,图7.23中的创建数组函数被设定用来结合两个数组和一个单个元素产生一个新的数组。For example, the Build Array function shown in Figure 7.23 has been configured to concatenate two arrays and one element into a new array.

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和ivys数组用加号串联运算,并把结果赋值给univs数组,接下来我显示下univs的结果,你注意到我得到了一个。So I can concatenate techs plus ivys and assign that result to univs, and then when I print it you'll notice I just get a list of five strings.

目前我国零售业发展规模小、速度慢,其中一个主要原因是连锁经营发展远远落后于国外零售商。One of the mian causes of our retail trade being small-scaled and developing slowly is our concatenate management lags far behind overseas merchants.

如果给的输入是一个数字和一个字符串,我将会把它们连接在一起,这实在是不正确的操作,但是无论如何,它就是会去这么做。If you give me a number and a string, I'm going to concatenate them together, it's really different operations, but nonetheless, it's what it's going to do.

中小型连锁超市从上世纪九十年代产生、发展至今,经历了从小到大、从弱到强、从单一型到多种业态的变化。Since the medium and small concatenate supermarket came into being, it experienced changes from small to big, weak to strong, simple state to multiple state.

此模式的实现可以直接连接各个源消息,或包含一些更为复杂的数据映射功能。An implementation of this pattern may simply concatenate the individual source messages or may incorporate some more sophisticated set of data mapping capabilities.

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尝试连接一个字符串和一个非字符串将引发一个异常。同格式化字符串不同,只有当所有的操作对象都是字符串的时候才能进行字符串连接。Trying to concatenate a string with a non-string raises an exception. Unlike string formatting, string concatenation works only when everything is already a string.

篮桥服务网致力在中国塑造连锁性的专业办公设备解决方案型第三方服务公司。Lq service net is the third-party service company who is contribute to establish concatenate and professional office equipment in china for resolving the oa problem.

因为这个方法取两个字节数组并返回另一个字节数组,所以它可以自身串联任意次以串接任意数量的字节数组。As this method takes two byte arrays and returns another byte array, it can be used in series with itself any number of times to concatenate any number of byte arrays.