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谁是最鲜明的例外?Who comes to mind most vividly?

快乐,悲伤,全都历历在目。Happiness, sadness, all vividly.

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你的唇边是呼之欲出的春天。Your lips are of be vividly portrayed spring.

这篇通讯写得真切感人。The report is vividly written and very moving.

本文生动地记载了这次战役。This battle was vividly recorded in the article.

他们还生动地回想起1995年的神户大地震。They vividly recall their own Kobe quake of 1995.

基于网络的承诺书生动地说明了这一点。Web-based commitment contracts show this vividly.

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说的时候,信誓旦旦,感天动地。In saying that, promises, a sense of days vividly.

轻点红尘,一溪墨色的凄凉跃然心间。Click the Red, a stream of bleak vividly ink heart.

你是那么的清晰。如此生动的刻印在我的脑海里。I can see you clearly. vividly emblazon in my mind.

画的题材倒确实活脱脱地浮此刻我脑海里。The subjects had, indeed, risen vividly on my mind.

在酷英语环节中,演员生动幽默的表演。The actor acted vividly and drolly during Cool English.

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准确生动地使用语言能够使你的演说贴近生活。Using language vividly helps bring your speech to life.

作者生动地描述了难民营中的生活。The author portrays life in a refugee camp very vividly.

想想这些年的情景,还是历历在目。Think of the scenes over the years, still vividly clear.

我们童年时代的光景还历历在目。Scenes from our childhood still appear vividly before us.

这首诗非常形象地概括了那段峥嵘岁月。This poem sums up that period very vividly memorable days.

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长汀的和田镇有一条古色古香的客家宗祠街。Hakka clan of the esteem by which Street play most vividly.

我还清楚地记得从图拉开来了一个旅的坦克。I remember vividly the night a tank brigade from Tula drove up.

所谓的粪,在今天的社会里表现得淋漓尽致。So-called muck, in today's society show incisively and vividly.