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我呢,我很想喝一点儿潘趣酒①。I'd love a little punch.

拳击手挡住了一拳。The boxer turned a punch.

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刺,戳,击快速的刺入或打击。To deliver a quick punch.

他那一拳没打中目标。His punch missed the mark.

你打左卡未呀?。Did you punch the timecard?

从属官给雨龙一拳。Fraccion give Ryuu a punch.

孔用的一种设备。A device that do gang punch.

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你可以把颜色调得醒目些吗?Can you punch up the colors?

他会把你打得昏死过去。He'll punch your lights out.

我又输了一遍我的邮政区号。I punch in my zip code again.

你没试过那种混合饮料。You haven't tried that punch.

潘趣酒中被搀入了朗酒。The punch was spiked with rum.

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喔!我能打穿墙壁吗?Wow! Can I punch through walls?

他有一张我很想饱以老拳的脸。He has a face I'd like to punch.

他那张脸我真想打它一拳。He has a face I'd like to punch.

又一拳打得他耳朵嗡嗡直叫。Another punch makes his ear ring.

很明显,演说缺少感染力。Obvisouly the speech lacked punch.

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但是家庭故事有冲击力得多。But the stories pack far more punch.

西维吉尼亚州上空的云洞Hole Punch Clouds over West Virginia

卫生间的门更不宜冲床。The bathroom door is more not punch.