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多神论是我们探讨的对象Polytheism is what we're talking about.

多神论被普遍认为是落后原始的。Polytheism was understood as clearly inferior and primitive.

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自从多神论盛行,就涌现出很多这样的先知。And so long as polytheism reigned, there were lots of those prophets.

苗族、布依族的原始信仰,以多神崇拜为特征。The primitive beliefs of the Miao and Buyi had characteristics of polytheism.

中国西南地区的佤族宗教,具有原始宗教多神信仰的特点。Wa people's religion of southwest China has features of primitive polytheism.

多神教亚文化是先例现象的主要来源之一。The sub-culture of the polytheism is one of the main sources of the precedent.

苏格拉底的神是多神教向一神教转变的中介。The God of Socrates was the intermediary of the transformation from polytheism to monotheism.

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他认为一神论和多神论是截然不同的,不可能是一个由另一个进化而来。He argued that monotheism and polytheism are so radically distinct that one could not possibly have evolved from the other.

他认为一神论和多神论是截然不同的,不可能是一个由另一个进化而来。He argued that monotheism and polytheism are so radically distinct that one could not possibly have evolved from the other.

第五章余论,对当地的多神信仰情况进行分析,并结合现状对民间信仰、民间文化进行探讨。Part5 Conclusion. It analyzes local polytheism belief , and probes the folk belief and folk culture linking present situation.

历史上世俗社会的君主制是导致宗教从多神教向一神教转变的重要条件。In history, system in worldly society was an important condition that led to the transition of religion from polytheism to monothem.

引进的名义,先知,圣人或天使变成祈祷,或寻求调停,由任何人,但是阿拉构成某种形式的多神教。To introduce the name of a prophet, saint or angel into a prayer, or to seek intercession from anyone but Allah constitutes a form of polytheism.

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都反对偶像崇拜、多神崇拜,只信仰一个主宰宇宙万物、至高无上的造物主。They all not only indicated opposition to polytheism and idolatry but also believed the supreme creator who controlled all things in the universe.

怪异的是,那跟基督教的信仰是完全和谐的,我们看到一种多神教的复兴,在我们知道的那个时代。Oddly enough, that is so completely compatible with Christian belief that we saw a renaissance of polytheism during the era known by the same name.

因此出现了第三种解释,在过去20年或15年间,它试图避免,将多神论和一神论一分为二。So a third way has emerged in the last 20 years, or 15 years or so, and it's one that seeks to avoid this dichotomy between polytheism and monotheism.

在宗教方面,古希腊是开放的多神教宗教体系,在古希腊人所崇拜的神中,只有少数属印欧语系。In religion, the ancient Greek polytheism is open religious system, by the ancient Greeks in the worship of God, only a small number of an Indo-European.

在精神层面上承认上帝的存在,而且只有一个上帝,这个观点反对盲目崇拜和多神论,坚持只有一个上帝的观点。It's simply the mental acknowledgement of the existence of God and that God is one, that is,the rejection of idolatry and polytheism and the idea that God is one.

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研究谢肉节节庆活动中迎接和送别玛斯列尼察仪式的多神教色彩,有助于我们更好地理解俄罗斯的民族文化传统。It will help us to understand the Russian cultural tradition better to study the characteristics of polytheism in the ritual that welcomes and sees off Maslenitsa in the festival.

施甸布朗族信仰万物有灵,其多神崇拜是一定社会物质生活条件和民族主观意识共同作用的产物。The Blang people in Shidian County believe in animism. Their polytheism is the product of both the material life of their society and their subjective consciousness as an ethnic group.

刚才那个男生问的是什么问题?,一方面,有人说以色列宗教从本质上,和古近东的多神论是一脉相承的。So, which is it, which is part of the question that came from over here, You have on the one hand the claim that Israelite religion is essentially continuous with Ancient Near Eastern polytheism.