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弗朗西斯卡是意大利排球选手。Francesca is an Italian volleyball player.

弗朗西丝卡拉开一个抽屉找开瓶的扳子。Francesca slid open a drawer to look for an opener.

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弗朗西丝·约翰逊坐在小卡车的前排座位上。FRANCESCA JOHNSON is sitting in the front seat of the pick-up truck.

菜正炖着时,弗朗西丝卡再次坐到他对面。With the cooking under way, Francesca sat across from him once again.

弗朗西丝卡修女走进小教堂,坐下来,很快就睡着了。Francesca entered the chapel, took her seat, and promptly fell asleep.

弗朗西斯•洛多出生于1982年8月1日,星期天,是著名的模特。Francesca Lodo was born on Sunday, August 01, 1982 and is a famous model.

弗兰西斯卡·塔罗内生于1979年,现居纽约布鲁克林。Francesca Tallone was born in 1979. She currently based in Brooklyn, New York.

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弗朗西丝卡修女走进小教堂,坐下来,很快就睡着了。Sister Francesca entered the chapel, took her seat , and promptly fell asleep.

29岁的李娜在抢七局中击败卫冕冠军意大利选手斯齐亚沃尼。The 29-year-old beat defending champ Francesca Schiavone of Italy in a tiebreak.

回到罗马后,法尔科内决定与他深爱的弗朗切斯卡结婚。Transferred to Rome, Falcone decides he can finally marry his beloved Francesca.

29岁的李娜在抢七局中击败卫冕冠军意大利选手斯齐亚沃尼。The 29-year-old beat defending champ Francesca Schiavone of Italy in a tiebreak5.

她妈妈是乐团的首席大提琴手,而今天,佛朗西斯卡担任这一角色。Her mother was the group's principal cellist, and today, Francesca fills that role.

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弗朗西斯卡忙着弄咖啡,又摆杯子和茶盘。Francesca is getting the coffee going, and then sets the table with cups and saucers.

意大利一边,斯齐亚沃尼又回到场上,与双打专家文奇携手出战。For Italy, Francesca Schiavone is back on court, alongside doubles specialist Roberta Vinci.

Francesca被空运至设菲尔德北部综合医院,但在6时许不治。Francesca was airlifted to Sheffield’s Northern General Hospital but died shortly after 6pm.

意大利人,奥雅纳高级工程师,现在我校学习中文。Francesca from Italy, Senior Engineer in Arup, is learning Mandarin in Moren Education currently.

胭脂是美国生产的,由JLM的获奖设计师吉姆尔默,弗朗西斯皮泰拉设计。Blush is US manufactured and is designed by JLM's award-winning Jim Hjelm designer, Francesca Pitera.

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佛朗西斯卡•博里是一名音乐临床医学家,任教于大名鼎鼎的科尔伯恩学校音乐学院。Francesca Bori is a music therapist and teaches at the prestigious Colburn School Conservatory of Music.

佛朗西斯卡•博里从5岁开始就参加医生交响乐团音乐会了,至今已有快50年了。Francesca Bori has been attending Doctors Symphony concerts since she was 5 years old, nearly 50 years ago.

在星期六的决赛中,李娜将对阵另一场半决赛中斯齐亚沃尼和巴托丽的胜者。On Saturday, Li will play the winner of the second semi-final between Francesca Schiavone and Marion Bartoli.