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花柱及柱头已经干掉。The style and stigma have dried out.

这些人生活在污名的阴影中。Those living in the shadow of stigma.

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天竺葵柱头上的花粉颗粒。Grains of pollen on a geranium stigma.

所以它是sigma碳sp2碳sp2。So it's stigma carbon s p 2, carbon s p 2.

瓦茨的污名令人难忍受。The stigma of Watts was too heavy to bear.

但柏拉图以辱降开始对话。But Plato begins this dialogue with this stigma.

拜登还谈到了言语障碍造成的羞辱感。Biden also addressed the stigma of speech impediments.

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柱头是长在雌蕊最顶端的带有粘性的球。The stigma is the sticky knob at the top of the pistil.

对于艾滋病的沉默、误传。and silence, stigma and misinformation about the disease.

患病倍感羞辱,错误信息盛传,疾病治疗昂贵。Stigma and misinformation are rife. Treatment is expensive.

对高学历者来说,贫穷意味着耻辱和失败。The high levels of education, poverty means stigma and lost.

在结核病流行国家中,它带来的是社会污名。TB engenders social stigma in countries where it is widespread.

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事实上,对尿床的人来说最糟糕的就是感觉耻辱。Indeed, one of the worst things about bed-wetting is the stigma.

这些动词均有“成熟、长成”之意。In some cases the stigma has matured before the anthers are ripe.

巨大的污名仍高悬在精神疾病患者头上。There is still a huge stigma attached to having a mental illness.

但那并没有中止歧视、名誉玷污或肉体攻击。But that didn't stop the discrimination, stigma or physical assaults.

两次的花柱2半裂,每分枝具一匙形的或头状柱头。Style twice 2- cleft, each branch with a spatulate or capitate stigma.

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他们承受耻辱和歧视,这在所有社会里都是普遍的。The stigma and discrimination they suffer are common in all societies.

当我们看到共同的标识时,在全美都使它蒙羞。And that stigma is all across United States when we see corporate logos.

华表柱头千载后,旅魂依旧回家山。China Table stigma Thousand Years, the trip is still home mountain soul.