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那陌生人用眼睛盯着他说The stranger gazed intently at him.

他专注地听着,听完之后要求我再来一曲。He listened intently and asked for more.

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小朋友们很专注看着木偶剧。The kids watched the puppet show intently.

她趴在缸沿上,努力的听着。She was leaning right over the pot, listening intently.

他那勇敢而调皮的眼睛直盯着马吕斯。And he stared at Marius intently with his epic effrontery.

在前廊昏黄的亮光里,他凝神望着她。He looked at her intently in the faint light of the porch.

观众们聚精会神地看着这个球员抢下篮板球。The crowd watched intently as the ball player score rebound.

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孩子们一字不漏地专心听故事。The children were following every word of the stroy intently.

小猫听了老猫的话,就一心一意地钓鱼。Little Cat listened to Old Cat's words and begin to fish intently.

看看你的舌头,这就是要求你要专心留意自己的讲话。Watch your tongue closely.In fact, listen to your speech intently.

不过我真是非常非常感动,你这么急切地想要提前告诫我。But I was very very impressed by how intently you tried to warn me.

一行人聚精会神的听着清涧红枣的发展历程。A line of people are listening Qingjian jujube development intently.

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他们一个个都紧盯着布满铁钉的橡木牢门。All with their eyes intently fastened on the iron-clamped oaken door.

他们确信会有人愿意倾听他们的苦衷。They are assured that someone will listen intently to their problems.

仁匆匆看了一眼熊,它好像在专心地听。Hitoshi glanced across at the bear. It seemed to be listening intently.

罗斯托夫详察着他,极力地想回忆起他在什么地方见过他。Rostov, looking intently at him, tried to recall where he had seen him.

儿子们聚精会神地望着日出时那喷向天空的缤纷色彩。My sons watch intently as the rich colors of the sunrise soar into the sky.

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然后,忽而又一本正经,她盯住冉阿让又说And, becoming suddenly serious, she gazed intently at Jean Valjean and added

她在忘却之室,从门的锁孔密切地注视。She watches intently from her keyhole behind the door of the forgotten room.

美国人对凯瑟琳山口惨败的研究要比德国人认真的多。For the Americans studied Kasserine Pass even more intently than the Germans.