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看起来像牙龈炎。Looks like gingivitis.

早期龈炎的临床指征?Early indications of clinical gingivitis?

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牙周病的最温和的形式是牙龈炎。The mildest form of gum disease is gingivitis.

它还有助于缓解牙痛和齿龈炎。It also helps relieve toothaches and gingivitis.

这是这个阶段牙龈炎是最显着的。It is this stage that gingivitis is most notable.

要注意的原因和牙龈炎的症状。Be aware of the causes and symptoms of gingivitis.

在医学上,这叫做妊娠性牙龈炎。In medical term, this is called pregnancy gingivitis.

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你也可以有口臭时,你有牙龈炎。You can also have bad breath when you have gingivitis.

您针对牙龈炎或牙周炎治疗过吗?Have you ever been treated for gingivitis or periodontitis?

我们不知道首先引起这个发炎的东西是甚麽。We don't know what causes this gingivitis in the first place.

这往往是第一个迹象牙龈炎和严重的牙齿有问题。This is often the first sign of gingivitis and serious dental problems.

菌斑中的细菌还可以导致牙龈炎及其他牙周病。Bacteria in plaque also cause gingivitis and other periodontal diseases.

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洁治是治疗牙龈炎和牙周炎的主要手段之一。Scaling is one of the major methods for treating gingivitis and periodontitis.

研究结果显示,当牙结石越严重时牙龈炎程度越严重,缺齿数也越多。Gingivitis scores elevated with the calculi score and the number of teeth missing.

了解边缘性龈炎及龈增生的组织病理特点。To grasp histopathological feature of marginal gingivitis and gingiva hyperplasia.

常见有牙龈炎,称之为妊娠期龈炎。This often includes inflammation of the gums, which is called pregnancy gingivitis.

这两种疾病的联系是,持续的牙龈炎将导致牙周炎。The two diseases are linked in that persistent gingivitis can lead to periodontitis.

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牙齿修补做的不好是慢性牙龈炎或牙周炎的一般原因。Faulty dental restorations are common causes for chronic gingivitis and periodontitis.

目的观察微波治疗纤维增生性龈炎效果。Objective To observe the effects of microwave on treatment of hyperplastic gingivitis.

调查表明幼儿不洁性龈炎之普遍性与其口腔卫生状况有密切关系。The investigation showed the children unclean gingivitis be related to the oral health.