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他们是无形的。They are invisible.

灵魂是无形的吗?Is the soul invisible?

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伦敦,隐形人。London, invisible man.

我知道如何不打草惊蛇。I know how to be invisible.

修补的地方几乎看不见。The mends were almost invisible.

灵魂是有形还是无形?Is the soul visible or invisible?

密码应该是不可见的。The password should be invisible.

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谁害怕看不见的线呢?Who's Afraid of Invisible Thread?

也是大象无形的宽阔。Is also a broad invisible elephant.

呵呵,一个无角的魔鬼。Well, a demon with invisible horns.

让它变成一个自动行为,且让它化于无形之中。Make it automatic. Make it invisible.

因而无形的东西可以毁灭。So invisible things can be destroyed.

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湛蓝的天空中,连一片云的影子都看不见。Blue sky, a cloud shadow is invisible.

我如何才能翻越这道无形的墙呢?How can I get past that invisible wall?

第二,过滤器泡泡是无形的。Second, the filter bubble is invisible.

不可见的东西永远不变。Things that are invisible never change.

无形的东西是不变的,接下来是。Invisible things don't change follows 4.

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我们生活在时间流逝的隐形走廊之中。We exist in an invisible passage of time.

它全系于一根看不见的白发。It is all hung by an invisible white hair.

有有形的劳动和无形的劳动。There is visible labor and invisible labor.