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委员会的其他两个成员只是无足轻重的人。The other two members of the committee are just featherweight.

该唇膏由于其特有的轻盈质地,能够均匀地在唇上涂开。Rouge Appeal slides easily over the lips thanks to its featherweight texture.

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你自由了,超然了,直奔向你想要的生活吧!You become free, featherweight and empowered to lead the life you were meant to!

微型工程的奇迹,蜂鸟是鸟类世界的轻量级冠军。Marvels of micro-engineering, hummingbirds are the bird world's featherweight champions.

基于这样的前提,Google计划将他们的轻量级操作系统瞄准上网本领域---至少,在初期是如此。Given its premise, Google plans to aim their featherweight OS at netbooks – at least, initially.

只有风还在空气中低吟着,留下飘渺的流沙以作时光祭。Only the wind is still in the air with low moans, leaving featherweight quicksand to make time offering.

约翰是另外一位羽量级的顶级拳手,若是能够战胜此人,那么甘博阿与洛佩兹的比赛将会更进一步。John is the other top featherweight. A win over him would propel him even closer to a fight against Lopez.

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轻巧的防火布料计划,便于照顾,内露医治炎症,减缓痛苦悲伤、过敏反响、防虫叮咬的医用药。Featherweight waterproof bag, easy care, medications for inflammation, pain, allergic reactions, bites and stings.

这是一个轻量级软件包重十二点九千克为19的规模和字面上你可以做任何事情这个自行车。This is a featherweight package weighing 12.9 kilograms for the 19 size and literally you can do ANYTHING with this bike.

魔音用妖骨炼成魔琴,预备将仙乐引上飘渺峰,和时幽冥联手抵挡她。Magic sound with demon bone pancha-that magic harp, prepare will XianLe onto the peaks, featherweight when joined against her and spirits.

逃亡过一个季节,又一个昨天。只有风还在空气中低吟着,留下飘渺的流沙以作时光祭。Escape a season, another yesterday. Only the wind is still in the air with low moans, leaving featherweight quicksand to make time offering.

罗兰,身高5尺8寸的意大利尤物,而她的搭档只有5尺5寸,用兰德自己的话说,是一个拥有“一张大龄唱诗班男童的脸外加一付孱弱的羽量级拳手的体格”的男人。Loren was 5ft 8in of Italian voluptuousness, while Ladd was 5ft 5in tall and, in his own words, a man with "the face of an ageing choirboy and the build of an undernourished featherweight".