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供试蔬菜为冬季小白菜和夏季小白菜。The experimental vegetables were winter pakchoi and summer pakchoi.

对9个小白菜品种夏季育苗移栽后的生长情况和馅用特性进行了研究。The experiment on comparison of 9 pakchoi varieties was carried out in summer.

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小白菜耐盐性遗传符合“加性—显性”遗传模型。Inheritance of salinity tolerance in Pakchoi fitted to the "additive-dominant" model.

菜头大小的观测直观方便,可在田间选择时作为选育高产束腰型白菜的重要性状。Head width could the used as the main economic character when breeding high yield pakchoi.

采用高效液相色谱法研究了甲萘威在长沙、广州两地的小白菜和菜园土壤中的残留分析方法及消解动态。An analytical method for residue and degradation dynamics of carbaryl in pakchoi and vegetable soil were studied by HPLC.

试验共获得8对含有多态性的引物,试验结果证明小白菜小孢子培养获得的再生植株的倍性与基因组DNA甲基化有关。It indicated that the ploidy level of regeneration plants from pakchoi may be related to DNA methylation in plant genomics.

研究不同浓度的柠檬酸和苹果酸溶液浸种对小白菜种子萌发、幼芽生长及种胚细胞膜透性的影响。The effects of citrate and malate on the pakchoi seed germination, young buds growth and embryo cell membrane permeability.

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通过模拟污染,研究了镉和铜在小白菜中各部位的动态吸收规律。Study on the dynamic accumulation rule that cadmium and copper accumulate in Pakchoi different portions by simulating pollution.

采用在生长后期用清水更换营养液的方法,可明显降低小白菜硝酸盐的含量。By replacing nutrition solution with clear water during the later stage of growth, the nitrate content of pakchoi was significantly reduced.

同时,也能够增加小白菜的产量,提高维生素C含量,降低硝酸盐含量,改善其品质。The yield, vitamin C and nitrate contents in the edible parts of pakchoi were also increased, and hence the nutritional quality was improved.

采用营养液培养、人工模拟弱光的方法,研究了营养液中提高铵态氮供应对小白菜产量和品质的影响。A hydroponic experiment was carried out to study effects of higher ammonium rate on yield and quality of pakchoi growing under low light intensity.

采用营养液培养、人工模拟弱光的方法,研究了营养液中提高铵态氮供应对小白菜产量和品质的影响。The results showed that the yield and soluble sugar content of pakchoi were increased drastically through applying right amount organic fertilizer.

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建立了青菜、大米、草莓、葡萄和西红柿等样品嘧霉胺残留量的SPE-GC测定方法。Method for the determination of pyrimethanil residue in pakchoi , rice, strawberry, grape, and tomato by means of SPE-GC was developed, respectively.

通径分析结果进一步表明菜头大小、最大叶叶宽、叶数、最大叶柄宽等是影响单株重的主要性状。The path analysis suggested that head width, blade width, leaf numbers, and petiole width were the main factors affecting on plant weights of pakchoi.

1993年连续两个夏季在南京进行了不同类型遮阳网在不同栽培方式下对白菜产量与品质影响的试验。Effects of different types of shading-nets under different culture systems on yield and quality of pakchoi were investigated in summers of 1992 and 1993.

试验研究了小白菜采后真空冷却和空气冷却后,在2℃条件下冷藏7天、10天、14天、19天和29天的品质变化。The quality changes of pakchoi in cold storage with vacuum cooling and air cooling, at 2℃ for 7 days, 10 days, 14 days, 19 days and 29 days were studied.

最后通过建立遍布全国销售网络经销青菜、甘蓝、花菜、蕃茄、黄瓜、茄子、生菜、南瓜、西瓜、甜瓜、豆类等系列优良蔬菜瓜果。At this moment, we can supply all kinds of seeds, such as pakchoi , cabbage, cauliflower, tomato, cucumber, eggplant, lettuce, pumpkin, water melon, sweet melon, beans.

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采用田间试验的条件下方法研究了有机肥,、DCD和复合剂对小白菜小白菜产量及品质的影响。A field experiment was conducted to study the effects of organic fertilizer, DCD and the compound agents of oxalate, glycine and KCl on the yield and quality of pakchoi.

铜和铬复合污染对小白菜种子发芽及根长抑制率均表现为拮抗毒性,铜对铬毒性效应拮抗作用的大小与铜含量有关。Cu and Cr had antagonistic effects on seeds germination and root elongation of Pakchoi Meanwhile, the antagonism of Cu against Cr was in response to the concentration of Cu.

用比较分析的方法,对白菜核不育两用系与玻里马胞质不育系及其保持系的植株性状、育性、花器结构和花粉扫描电镜形态等进行观察研究。The plant character, fertility, flower structure and pollen morphologic character of nuclear male sterile AB line and polima cytoplasmic sterile line in Pakchoi were studied in the experiment.