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我现在睡的床垫下陷了。The mattress I'm now sleeping on is saggy.

不!我要的是松弛的肚皮和下垂的胸部!No, I want a flabby gut and saggy man-breasts.

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而现在,那满是皱纹的额头、松垂的面颊和噘起的双唇都消失了。Now the furrowed brow, saggy cheeks and pursed lips have gone.

松垮的床垫会让你感到不舒服,降低我们的睡眠质量。Saggy 7 mattress causes discomfort 8 and reduces our sleep quality.

而真正造成臀部下垂的最重要诱因,还是我们日常生活中不合理的饮食。The most important cause of Saggy butt is our daily unhealthy diet.

从新泽西海岸到路易斯安那州,似乎都有严惩松垮裤子的趋势。From the Jersey Shore to Louisiana, seems there's a variable crack down on saggy pants.

路易西安那州有十二个城镇已经实施,或正考虑禁止穿著垮裤。About a dozen Louisiana towns and cities have enacted or are considering bans on saggy pants.

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垮裤对城市里的年轻人来说可能很时尚,但可上不了得克萨斯州的某些公车了。Saggy trousers may be fashionable among urban youth but they won't be allowed on some buses in the state of Texas.

短裤因为太宽,选手有时在激战时还猛往上拉,制造包著松垮垮尿布的效果。The shorts are so loose that players sometimes hike them up during matches, creating the effect of a saggy diaper.

通过为饥渴的皱纹和下垂的肌肤提供养分,来抵抗肌肤老化的过程。They help to ward off the anti-aging process by providing the body with nutrients that starve off wrinkles and saggy skin.

除了在怀孕期间,那会我胸部涨的很大,而且在生孩子过后,胸部下垂的厉害,我经常是需要穿34C罩杯的。Apart from during pregnancy, when my books filled out and then became more saggy after giving birth, I've always been a 34C.

所以也许松垮的裤子会继续保持,而随着越来越多的城镇的禁止,可能就是要么提起裤子要么为它交罚款的问题。So maybe saggy pants are here to stay and with more and more towns banning them and may be it a matter of pull up or pay up.

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城市管理者表示松垮裤子禁令是关乎一项简单的礼仪问题,我想这是我们都能支持的。The city manager says the saggy pants ban is a matter of simple decency, which I suppose is something we can all get behind.

可能更令人震惊的是,竟然有这么多的女性有面颊下垂的症状,因为她们长时间都保持同一坐姿。What is perhaps more surprising is the number of women with saggy jowls because they are sitting in one position for so long.

要知道,若摄取了过多的动物性脂肪,就很容易在下半身囤积,进一步造成臀部下垂。We should know that the more intake of animal fat, the easier it’s hoarded in the lower body, leading into further saggy butt.

虽然去图书馆参观之前,我很想专注当地政局,了解一个月的时间,萨给却把我成功的骗到了这里来。Although I was meant to give the authorities one month notice before going on a tour of the library, Saggy managed to wangle me in.

在得了癌症后的4年,我已经58岁了,我的身体已经长了大把大把的皱纹,没弹性,下垂,但我仍然对它很满意。Four years after cancer, and at 58 years old, my body is in its wrinkly, dimply, saggy stages and I am 100 percent content with it.

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朝九晚五的上班族,因久坐办公室不常运动,脂肪渐渐累积在下半身,这样容易造成臀部下垂。Office staffs work nine-to-five who are sedentary in office, gradually accumulate fat in the lower body, causing saggy butt so easily.

安全生产事故产生的原因是多方面的,如自然条件、安全监管不力、投入不足、执法不严等。The causes of accidents are varied, such as geographical condition, weak safety management, lack of funds, saggy government, and so on.

阿肯色的教育人员对于颓废的衣著打扮抱怨已久,例如年轻人穿著露出四角裤彩色裤头的松垮牛仔裤。Arkansas educators have long complained about the drooping attire, such as young men wearing saggy jeans that expose the top of colorful boxer shorts.