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听上去挺毛骨悚然的,但这的确是事实。Macabre but true.

但丹东的激情也有恐怖的一面。But his passions had a macabre side.

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吊在天花板上的骨头就像是一个阴森的枝形吊灯。Bones hung from the ceiling like a macabre chandelier.

埃瓦赞在遥远可怕的墓地星设立实验室。Evazan set up shop on the distant and macabre world of Necropolis.

一生气不开兴就说那些骂人不堪入耳的脏话,我很听不下去。An angry curse not open Xing said those macabre cursing, I am not going to listen.

从前的童话都是充满了曲折情节和阴森结局的。Fairy tales of the past were often full of macabre and gruesome twists and endings.

这样的谈话让华尔街上一个新兴群体感到一些绝望的快乐。These conversations give some macabre cheer to another emerging group of Wall Streeters.

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它被称作艺术群魔。所以它画的都是一些类似黑暗、死亡主题的事物,So it's called Art Macabre. So it's all kind of like quite dark and like death-themed events,

他的机智和恐怖的故事常常为他赢得好评,他是一个成功的短篇小说作家。His witty and often macabre tales won him acclaim and he was a successful short -story writer.

我甚至还读了评论文章,其中说他们的现场会更让人亢奋。I also read a review that said their onstage antics are way more bizarre and macabre than they used to be.

伊拉克沙漠里的一个又一个的幽幽的乱葬冈,可以说是萨达姆·侯赛因黑暗历史的macabre墓碑。Unmarked mass graves in the Iraqi desert are called a macabre marker of Saddam Hussein’s period of history.

他们的火炬发出惨淡的光,影子在他们刻满诡异符文的长袍上舞动。Their torches lit the macabre proceedings in a pallid light that danced over their garish rune-covered robes.

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他们穿的长袍上绘着繁复而华丽的符文,折射着火炬那苍白的光线。Their torches lit the macabre proceedings in a pallid light that danced over their garish rune-covered robes.

雌性黑寡妇有时交配后杀死并吃掉交配对象,黑寡妇一名就来自这种恐怖的行为。Females sometimes kill and eat their counterparts after mating in a macabre behavior that gave the insect its name.

对未知的恐惧被编造成令人毛骨悚然的故事随之扩散开来,都市传言便一直流传在人群之间。Urban legends have been around forever, as fear of the unknown gets spun into macabre tales that proliferate with each person who hears them.

更糟糕的是,我每天都会有种超恐怖的幻想,就是在我还清醒的时候就被开刀了,然后眼睁睁地看着我的皮肤和内脏一点点被刀子拉开。Even worse, I had daily macabre fantasies of being operated on while I was still conscious, and watching my skin and organs being ripped apart.

这座桥已经得上让人令人毛骨悚然的名声,自己四月初以来,这里吸引了至少12个想要自杀的跳桥者,据中国日报报道。The bridge has gained a macabre reputation, attracting at least 12 would-be suicide jumpers since the start of April, according to the China Daily report.

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电影里那幕著名场景--一个拂逆黑手党命令的老头醒来后发现枕头旁多了个死马脑袋,这也许只是导演为了表现恐怖效果的一种手法,但在某些犯罪组织眼里却是一个经典教程。The famous scene in which a mafia refusenik wakes up next to a horse's head may be macabre make-believe, but in some quarters it's treated like a tutorial.

然而这首歌还有着另一个令人毛骨悚然的联系——它的歌词来自1999年科隆鼻纳高中枪击案案犯之一的埃里克·哈里斯所维护的网站。The song has macabre connections — its lyrics were posted on a website maintained by Eric Harris, one of the gunmen in the 1999 Columbine High School massacre.

显然,操控这个令人毛骨悚然的游戏的人在发现有警察出现时就已经把计划取消了——并且,很可能一直在观察警察们的一举一动。Whoever had set this macabre ordeal in motion, it seemed, had called it off once the cops had appeared—and had probably been watching them every step of the way.